Luscious lips!

Update: 2018-07-29 05:30 IST

​“Lipstick has the power to transform the appearance and mood of the person wearing it, and, at the same time, arouses the admiration of everybody else.” The line is beautifully quoted by Monica Bellucci and we surely cannot deny this.

Lipstick is our go-to makeup, whether it is a quick fix or for a much-detailed party look. It is the most important make-up that instantly changes our face from looking drab to diva. Not only does it enhance the surface beauty, but it also transforms the way we feel about ourselves. It’s not just about looking good but feeling great from the inside!


A lot of women have a love-hate relationship with their lipsticks. Bhavya Chawla, Chief Stylist at Voonik has some benefits of Lipsticks, which are not highlighted:

SPF protection:  A lot of lipsticks have sun protection ingredients to protect your lips from the harmful UV rays.

Hydration:  To preserve the natural state of your lips, many lipsticks ensure to provide hydration by incorporating ingredients like Aloe Vera and/or vitamin E.

Brightens smile: Lipstick defines your lips and makes your smile appear more beautiful, as long as you have chosen the right shade of Lipstick.

Completes your look: Wearing a lipstick can complete your outfit, whether it is about looking more credible at a professional setting or sexier for a date night.

Confidence boost: Women who wear lipstick feel more confident and powerful. As a matter of fact, they are usually perceived by others as being more attractive, and in control. 

Mood enhancer:  As quoted by Coco Chanel, “If you are sad, add more lipstick and attack", wearing lipstick lifts our spirits during tough times. It instantly makes us feel empowered. 

All of the meticulous applying and reapplying can be quite an effort, but I must say, stepping out in a nice shade of lipstick with so many benefits is a 100 percent worth it. 

But bear in mind, always use good quality lipsticks, which are free of chemicals.



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