HCA swears by Lodha : BYE-LAWS AMENDED

Update: 2018-07-09 05:30 IST

Hyderabad: The Rip Van Winkles ‘running’ Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA) came out of a self-imposed slumber approximately 21 months after adopting a one-line resolution to implement RM Lodha recommendations, to eventually adopt the reforms by amending its bye-laws during its fourth Special General Body Meeting (SGM) at the Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium (RGICS) here on Sunday.


The major development that transpired during the meeting was the nod given to the long-standing demand for giving voting rights to former international players and by extension the right to contest the next elections, as and when they are held.

Ironically, the august members, driven to the wall, needed four SGMs to finally toe the Lodha line in what could be a turning point for the administrators provided they get their act together.

However, that remains a pipe-dream as things stand, particularly if one goes by the acrimonious manner the SGM began even before it took-off.

There is no denying that things could have worsened had it not been for the presence of the High Court appointed administrators, Justice (retd) Anil Dave and Justice (retd) GV Seethapathy and BCCI general manager Ratnakar Shetty.

Quite expectedly, the tempo was set in motion when aggrieved members, (who, apparently, came pre-determined) questioned the wisdom in sending two separate notices for the meeting. This, they alleged, had exposed the lack of coordination between the Apex Council members. 

G Vivekanand, who had to abdicate the ‘throne’ under directions of the High Court, was among the targets for his failure to send copies of the minutes of the January SGM, which was a clear violation of the law.

A significant aspect was the subtle manner Shetty ducked constant requests by the members to intervene and provide solace to the members.

On his part, Shetty reiterated that he was only present there as an observer and that was precisely what he intended to. One would be keenly looking forward to his report, once they are made known.

The only point when there was a semblance of order was when it was time to take up the amendments.

Of course, it remains to be seen as to how the Lodha-armed members will go about their quest for power from hereafter given that there were no individual winners on this ‘historic’ day.



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