Unparliamentary utterances

Update: 2018-11-30 05:30 IST

Come elections, students of grammar search the dictionaries and encyclopaedias to find the meanings of the words applied by the leaders of various political parties for mutual accusations or praises. Meanings and definitions change from person to person, party to party and time to time. It may not be a new development.  However, its growth and spread has been very fast during the last three decades with the the era of the regional parties. With changing political combinations and permutations, sometimes no source is available to understand the language, tone and tenor. Particularly in vulgarity, the canvassing finds no boundary.  


During the separate Telangana Agitation led by Dr. Chenna Reddy of the Telangana Porata Samiti, in the late 60's and early 70's, the then Chief Minister Kasu Brahmananda Reddy said: "This is an agitation by urchins". He meant wayward youths.  It caused his  downfall. Again during late 1980's NTR referred to Rajeev Gandhi as an Urchin. In the 1989 elections TDP was routed.  These days the parties change parties like chameleons.  To defend their changing stand and to go offensive against the new enemies and to praise the new allies, new words are coined. They need not have sanctity from the principles of parliamentary  democracy. "Kick TRS, BJP out; Rahul to voters". (THI, 29,11,2018). Ancestors of the rival parties are called by names by the national leaders of both the ruling and the opposition parties. It is the lowest that we can expect. Has indian democracy come of age or taking a retrograde step? - K C Kalkura, Kurnool



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