Modern Day Techniques for a Glowing Skin without putting a single thing on face

Update: 2019-02-01 18:47 IST

Now, in this millennium the Modern skincare techniques are moving away from managing the skin from thr outside in, instead focussing on supporting the body's own ability to nurture the skin from the inside out. 

Did any one think about skin as to how it actually functions?  The skin is a complex organ that relies enormously on the inner functioning's of the body- digestion, hormones, immunity and adrenals all play of a part. If there is'nt a strong synergy between these organs your skin might show up flares to problems to very such stubborn problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis; or simply as dull listless skin can manifest.


what to do to check if the skin is functioning normally is  you have to know the inside out skincare.

Hormone balance:

Hormone balance has long been acknowledged as a contributing factor to belmish or acne prone skin, and this can sometimes be impacted on by testosterone levels in the bod, as well imbalances between oestrogen and progesterone. Your diet and lifestyle may have an impact on hormone balance, so you could consider making the following simple changes.

Try taking more zinc rich food such as tahini, seafood, sunflower seed and poultry. Equi london contains 15mg zinc per dose to help boost collagen production

By eating anti inflammatory super foods such as turmeric, omegas, Resveratrol, found in grapeskins and blueberries has been shown in some studies to help improve protection against sun damage and oxidate stress
Blood sugars should always be watched, watch your meals try consuming more fibre rich food which has healthy fat and protein.

Eat a fibre rich diet as well as trying probiotics and probiotic rich foods

Eating more B12, B6, selenium and iodine rich foods.

Liver detoxification

The biggest organ in the body the LIVER is responsible and plays an important role in removing harmful compounds from the body( pollution, plastic residues, alcohol, cigarette smoke) as well as our hormones ( such as oestrogen) The skin is the one of the largest routes of elimination of toxins from the body and if the liver function is sluggish or there is a build up harmful toxic dsetoxification by products, then this can also affect the skin health.

The liver requires many nutrients to work properly, and many of these nee dto come through the diet.

B vitamins like beans, pulses, oats, nuts, seeds, quinoa, eggs. floate- green vegetables, beetroot, avocado as well as vitamin C rich foods such as berries, pomagranate, red peppers, tomatoes, ( tinned, fresh, pureed) green leafy vegetables.

Equi also contains milk thistle, which has been shown in multiple studies to gently support liver function and hormone balance as well as super grasses and berries that are nature's multi vitamin and good sources of amino acid's, Vitamin C and antioxidants.



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