Add 3 dates to your daily diet and see what happens

Update: 2019-01-18 15:38 IST

 Dates are delicious and very Nutritious. Apart from the delighful flavour, they are incredibly healthy and confer a tremendous amount of health benefits on your body. They are a rich source of fibre, Minerals, and vitamins and can help relieve in painful constipation, diarrhea and other intestinal complaints.

Dates are the fruit of palm trees. Date varities range from Medjjool to Acaci. These dates grow in many tropical regions of the world.


Moreover, if you eat three of these soft, squishy fruit everyday for one week, you may consider makin dates a more regular occurrence because the following things will likely happen to your body.

1. Dates reduces the risk of colon cancer

The food in the digestive system moves at a healthy rate, dates also make sure that the gut itself is healthy and free from harmful bacteria. And when the digestive system and gut are working well, then so is the colon, resulting in a reduced risk of colon cancer. A study conducted by the Department of Food and Nutrition Sciences found out that those who consumed dates had enhanced colon health because dates increased the growth of good bacteria, inhibiting the growth of colon cancer cells.

2. Dates give you kick of quick  long lasting energy

As we all know dates have natural sugars, glucose, Fructose and Sucrose that will give you  a quick burst of quick energy when you need it. And unlike energy bars or drinks, dates contain other healthy components like fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamins, and antioxidants that will keep those levels up, and not send you quickly crashing down

3. Dates are rich in Fiber which helps in improving your digestive health

If you want to keep things in your digestive system moving along nice and regularly, dates are just the thing to do that In just a one cup serving or dates, you will get 12 grams of fiber. That's 48 percent of your recommended daily intake.

The right amounts and right kinds of fiber can benefit your digestive health by preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements. And dates are most definitely the right kind of fiber to fo the job. British journal of Nutrition found that people who consumed 7 dates per day for 21 days showed improvements in stool frequency and increase in bowel movements compared to when they did not eat dates.

4. Dates makes one smarter

Dates contain vitamin B6 that has been shown to improve performance of Brain by helping the body Serotinin and Norepinephrine. Serotinine in turn regulates mood and Norepinephrine helps your body cope with stress. Conversely research has shown  that low levels of vitamin B6 is linked to depression.

so, when your brain is clear from stress, and in a good mood, then it is sharp and ready to learn and retain information.

5. Dates help in treatin Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are veins in your anus and rectum that have become inflammed and swollen. This is often caused by constipation that leads to strain in that area at the far end of the digestive tract. This is a terrible and often very painful condition that fortunately can be treated and even reversed through a change in diet to reduce constipation.



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