Do your Bit when you turn 40 top conditions that need attention right away

Update: 2018-12-14 20:36 IST

With lifestyle diseases on the rise, the 40s are when health ailments start manifesting themselves in men. In consultation with experts, we bring you the top conditions that need attention right away. 

Even the strongest, most active and proactive men will experience few health hiccups as they get older. With sedentary lifestyles becoming a norm, men are more susceptible to health ailments than ever before. About time you keep a watch on your better half’s health. Most health problems are directly related to a hectic lifestyle, so an annual check up is of utmost importance. 


These are the five ailments that have been shortlisted and which commonly afflict most of the men in their 40’s 

Heart problems 

Men are more likely to suffer from heart diseases as the stiffness of the arteries is caused by a male hormone called testosterone. If your husband is a smoker, chances of heart disease get multiplied. 

Nowadays we have less time for physical activity, and consume more junk or processed foods. Not having enough whole grains and vegetables in the diet coupled with regular intake of alcohol and nicotine, slowly deposits cholesterol in the blood vessels of the heart.

What to watch out for : 

Schedule your husband for a routine ECG, and blood tests for lipoprotein profile that will measure total cholesterol, HDL and high density lipoprotein and a thread mill Test where an ECG is done, simultaneously, while he walks on the treadmill look out for symptoms like heavy breathing sudden gasping and shooting pain in the chest. Consult with the cardiologist at the earliest if any of the above symptoms show up. 

High blood pressure 

Though there is no specific age group that we can peg for high blood pressure, hypertension starts in men post 30 it can be hereditary to some extent, but largely is a result of a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. If a person suffers from high blood sugar, is obese, and has high cholesterol levels in blood, he’s most likely to suffer from hypertension as well. 

What to watch out for:

Frequent headaches and fatigue. The specialist doctor might prescribe a thorough checkup that includes kidney, thyroid, and USG of the abdomen to rule out any abnormality in adrenal glands as the cause of hypertension. 

Do your bit:

Keep a check oh his weight and motivate him to include some exercises such as walking in his routine. Or be his walk buddy.

Eye problems:

A person who is in his 40s probably is staring constantly at the computer, tablet or phone screen for long hours. Therefore, computer vision syndrome is common nowadays where the eyes become dry and muscle fatigue sets in. Viral conjunctivitis is another extremely common eye problem that can happen to men where inflammation or infection of the outer membrane of the eyeball causes irritation and reddening of the sclera.

What to watch out for ?

Irritation in the eyes or watery eyes. Your ophthalmologist will do some tests to check on eye muscle strength. 

Do your bit:

A healthy and balanced diet is necessary. Serve your husband a diet of vitamin A rich fruits and veggies.

Stress related issues:

Now a days it’s know fact that men tend to get more stressed than women. Especially  when they reach the age group of 30-35. Post 35, the Male hormone testosterone starts to go down which lowers the fighting spirit in men. Also, during this time, the societal, work related and familial expectations get higher, give rise to the imbalance. Stress is borne out of this imbalance.

What to watch out for? 

If your husband experiences sudden changes in his sleeping pattern, or is always demotivated, irritated, fatigued, or appears withdrawn, chances are he’s under a lot of stress.

Do your bit:

Talk to him; let him know that sharing emotional load can help. Go for short term counselling for a planned solution.

Orthopaedic problems 

How many times have you seen your husband coming back home with a neck pain? Most desk jobs, and driving for hours causes this and lower back pain and slip disk.

Vitamin D and B12 deficiency, chondromalacia patellae also known as soft knee syndrome, where the cartilage becomes softened and causes severe pain on the front of the knee. Calcific deposition oh the shoulders and increased uric acid are behind common lumbar problems.

Watch out for: 

Severe pain in the knee joints, shoulder or knuckles. The expert might suggest a blood test for checking vitamin D3 levels.

Do your bit

Add dairy rich items to his diet. Also, start going for morning walks together to get a dose of sunlight.



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