7 Things your CANINE friend can sense that you didn't know

Update: 2018-11-21 16:59 IST

There are things that your canine can sense about you before you know.

They're humans very best friend for a reason. Fluffy, cuddly faithful best friends who dish out nothing but unconditional puppy love. A bond like no other, it can seem like your dog knows you better than anyone. And there's a reason for that.

Their senses are so sharp that dogs can detect things in humans that we may not even be aware of ourselves.


From pregnancies to deaths and changes in weather, a pet can detect before us.


your dog can sense that you're pregnant, even before you can.  Their incredible sense of smell means they can smell the sniff hormonal changes your body experiences in the very early stages of pregnancy.


even more impressive, dogs can sense when you're close to giving birth. If you're near the end of your pregnancy and find that your dog is refusing to leave your side, it could be because he has sensed another change in hormones and knows that you will give birth soon. It will try to protect you and will keep as close to you as possible.


There is a saying “ don't be afraid, dogs can smell your fear” fear results in the release of adrenaline and pheromones which dogs can detect with their incredible sense of smell.

your canine just appears to know when you're feeling down and comes to gently place its head on your lap as if to comfort you. Dogs canard your emotions even without you saying it doing anything and when you're feeling the blues they will do everything in their power to try to make you feel better !


ever wonder why your dog is already at the window when you arrive outside your house?

Your fur baby can smell  you approaching and can hear your footsteps or car long before you think he can.


undetected by humans ,there are changes in hormones when someone is close to death. Just as dogs can sense when a life is about to come into the world when giving birth, on the other side of the coin, they can also smell the changes of hormones in the human body when death is approaching and even diseases like cancer.


Apart from their remarkable noses, dogs have very finely tuned and can sense a storm or a earth quake long before it arrives in your area. Dogs may get agitated during the bad weather, it could be because the storm is on its way. 



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