Rare lslamic relics painting expo concludes

Update: 2018-07-30 05:30 IST

Hyderabad: The 3-day exhibition of paintings on rare Islamic relics, which displayed 166 pieces of artworks at Urdu Hall in Himayat Nagar by eminent artist Ahmed Fasiuddin concluded on Sunday. AK Khan Advisor to Telangana State Minorities Welfare Department and Zahid Ali Khan editor Siasat Daily inaugurated the exhibition on July 27. 

First of its kind in the City, the artist aims to exhibit his works in UAE and Saudi Arabia in his next stint. “I started these paintings in the 2013 and since then I have been working on this idea. I get inspiration by visiting the historic places like Saudi Arabia and Turkey and study old Islamic structures. Amongst my recent visits is Topkapi Museum in Turkey and studied the paintings and also brought old Islamic books from Saudi Arabia and also Turkey. Besides this, my visits to USA and England were fruitful,” he said. 


The exhibition included depiction of important incidents in Islamic history including the drowning of Pharaoh with his army in Nile river, the well of Hazrath Yaqoob (Prophet Jacob), the mountain peak where Arc of Hazrath Nooh (Prophet Noah) were found, Jabl-e- Rahmath (Mount of Mercy) where Prophet Adam and Eve were reunited, and where Prophet Mohammed PBUH delivered his last sermon. Besides these exhibitions also displayed the renovation during important periods Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), Quraysh (who controlled the Mecca), Abudllah ibn Al Zubayr, Hajaj ibn Yousuf and until last century’s Sultan Murad Khan Osmani of Turkey.



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