Like to know about MFs

Update: 2018-07-05 23:14 IST

 I would like to know of any mutual funds for making investments
- V Vaishali 

It’s difficult to recommend without knowing details and risk appetite of an individual. Assuming your risk appetite is moderate, you could opt for large cap equity mutual fund and a hybrid equity fund (balanced advantage category) investing through SIP. For liquidity on the short term, you could consider any of the short term or liquid fund categories of debt MFs. 


– K Naresh Kumar

Notice: Stock market investments are prone to market risks. This initiative is an attempt from The Hans India to guide people who are investing in stocks and making other forms of investments, and are in need of some advice. The Hans India is in no way responsible for the risks associated with the investments whatsoever. Investors are advised to keep risks associated with their investments in mind before making investments or taking decisions related to investments.  



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