Facial creams may cause irreparable damage

Update: 2018-10-21 06:16 IST

Vijayawada: Using of various face creams to enhance beauty may cause irreparable damage to the skin, warns noted dermatologist Dr B Himabindu while addressing the health education programme on ‘Chemical Effects on Face’ with Dr G Samaram in the chair at Vasavya Nursing Home here on Saturday.

Dr Himabindu said that it was natural to form pimples, rashes, wrinkles and even black spots on face and many a time people use various facial creams to get rid off them without consulting the doctor. 


“Even if the creams were used with medical prescription, they should not be used forever without doctor’s advice,” she said.

Generally, the face creams contain hydroquinone, steroids and retinoids among other chemicals and they should be used under the advice of a specialist. 

Dr Himabindu said that people may experience rashes and itch while using some face creams and they should immediately consult the dermatologist in such cases.

Youth who were attracted by the advertisements to get glow on their face, use some facial creams without consulting the specialist, which is not advisable due to the harmful chemicals in them, she added.

According to the dermatologist, the harmful chemicals not only damage the skin but also cause ill health. 

“The rashes, black spots and inflammation might have caused due to some other health problem like allergies, kidney disease, imbalance of hormones, cancer and injuries to the head also,” she added.  

Hair dyes also cause problem to the facial skin, she said adding that the doctor’s supervision is necessary to use beauty products.
Medicines are not necessary for all the skin problems. 

Adequate intake of fruits, leafy vegetables and vegetables is necessary to maintain good glow on face,” she added. 

Dr Himabindu stressed on the importance of regular exercise and avoiding moving in hot sun are also important.Dr Maru proposed a vote of thanks. Dr Olos Gora was also present.



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