AP Govt should take steps to reduce steel, cement prices

Update: 2018-08-04 05:30 IST

Visakhapatnam: The members of All India Builders Association (BAI) here on Friday complained of high prices of cement and steel affecting the construction activity in the country. A two-day National Council Meet organised by the BAI was inaugurated by Visakhapatnam West MLA PGVR Naidu here on Friday. On the occasion, the BAI organised an expo showcasing various demonstrations in the construction sector.


Speaking on the occasion, National President of BAI A Puhazhendi said that the BAI opined that in view of the skyrocketing prices of the steel and cement, the governments should take steps to control the prices. There is no valid reason for the high prices. The construction industry was badly hit by demonetisation and GST and now high prices of the cement and steel hit hard the industry, he lamented.

"We are already paying one per cent labour cess and we don't mind, if it is increased to two per cent, provided the government takes care of the social security aspects," the BAI president said.

PR Swarup, Director-General of the Construction Industry Development Council, said the industry was in a deep crisis and both the government and the industry should work together to pull it out of the crisis. He said there should be a single law governing the industry and there should be a single government agency, or ministry, dealing with the problems of the industry.

Ch Ramakotaiah, National Vice-President of BAI, said there should be a single ministry to the deal the issues of the construction industry at the central level and then only coordination would become possible.



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