Young dying of heart attacks

Update: 2018-07-15 05:30 IST

Vijayawada: Young Indians between the age of 30 and 50 are dying of heart attacks due to changd lifestyles in the modern age, said noted cardiologist Dr MSN Pavan Kumar. 

He was addressing the health education programme at Vasavya Nursing Home with Dr G Samaram in the chair here on Saturday.

The cardiologist, expressing concern that 900 persons below the age of 30 are dying daily in the country, he pointed out and added camps should be organised to create awareness among youth.


Lack of physical exercise, smoking, junk food, obesity, stress, and alcohol could be the prime reasons for heart attacks, the cardiologist said.

Earlier, people used to suffer from heart attacks at the age of 40-50 but now they are suffering from at 20-30 years, he said and added that poor food habits and lack of health consciousness were the prime reasons.

Many young people are falling prey to heart attacks due to lack of physical exercise and bad habits, he said. “Generally, heart attacks occur due to hyper tension, high percentage of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood and diabetes,” he said.

The cardiologist rued even young people are falling prey to heart attacks as they have no awareness over risk factors. 

The intake of fat and salt should be reduced, he advised and added that if they could not avoid alcohol totally, it should be taken moderately. 

People should take more green leaves, vegetables and fruits, he said and added that they should prefer chicken and fish in the place of red meat.

Physical exercise, which may include at least 20-minute walk per day, is the important factor to avoid heart attacks, the cardiologist added.



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