World's Oldest Man Living Confirmed By Guinness World Record

Update: 2022-05-19 16:30 IST

As of 4 February 2022, Juan Vicente Perez of Venezuela has been officially confirmed by the Guinness World Record as the oldest living human in male aged 112 years and 253 days. He is 112 years, 11 months, and 21 days old now, with his 113th birthday coming up soon.

Juan was born on May 27, 1909, in El Cobre, Tachira, Venezuela, to Eutiquio del Rosario Pérez Mora and Edelmira Mora. He was the ninth of ten children.
His family relocated to Los Pajuiles in San José de Bolivar in 1914. He began working in agriculture alongside his father and brothers at the age of five, assisting with sugar cane and coffee harvesting.
He and his brother, Miguel, built a trapiche (wooden mill) to aid in the production of coffee and sugar cane, and eventually, he was able to purchase a larger machine to boost the farm's productivity.
He began attending the local school when he was ten years old, but only for five months since his teacher went ill. Juan, fortunately, learnt the fundamentals of reading and writing from a book given to him by his teacher.
Although still work in agriculture, he moved on to become a sheriff in Caricuena in 1948, where he was in charge of resolving land and family conflicts for ten years. Apart from agriculture, one of Juan's greatest passions is to strengthen his relationship with God and his family. He appreciates his life, as well as the food and people in his environment.
Juan Vicente observed numerous astonishing inventions over his life, including television and the internet. He had his ID photo shot in black and white for the first time when he was 51 years old.
His 100th birthday was especially memorable for him because he was able to spend it with all of his sons and numerous great-grandchildren. Karla Marisol and her husband gave him a lovely artwork, which he proudly displays in his home's centre patio. Furthermore, in2019, he turned 110 years old, making him Venezuela's first male supercentenarian.



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