Son Carried The Dead Body Of His Mother On His Shoulders As Everyone Denied To Help Him

Update: 2021-05-14 23:26 IST

Son Carried The Dead Body Of His Mother On His Shoulders As Everyone Denied To Help Him

COVID has left a lot of people in tears as people had lost their loved ones, similarly, an instance came to light where a boy carried his mother's dead body on his shoulder for cremation which went viral and left the citizens in tears.

On Thursday, Bir Singh, a resident of Ranital area of Kangra district carried the dead body of his COVID positive mother for almost 1 km, as no one from his relatives, neighbors, villagers, and administrative officials refused to help him with the funeral ceremony.


On social media, photos of Bir Singh wearing a PPE kit and holding the body of his mother covered in PPE kits emerged.

After the incident got circulated on social media, people felt demoted and were left in astonishment. The netizens started trolling and pointing out the loopholes of the government to perform the last rites of the funeral ceremony of the COVID deaths. It also draws attention to the situation of the deceased bodies of the infected persons.

Bir said that on May 12, Bir Singh's mother developed a high fever and breathing problems, according to him. When he took his mother to the local doctors they advised him to admit her mother to the Tanda Medical College. They couldn't find an ambulance, so he drove his mother to the hospital in his own vehicle. They were told by the doctors that there were no beds available.

They asked the doctors to at the very least prescribe her the necessary medication. Later he brought her mother home and started taking care of her. But she passed away yesterday morning, reported The Tribune.

He informed the administrative officials who had denied offering any kind of help. He also requested for a tractor to carry the body which was also rejected as a result he carried the body on his own shoulders.

In the end, his wife prepared everything needed for the pyres and he lifted his mother's body and while reaching the crematorium ground he performed all the rites on his own. He added further that the administrative officials had brought a bottle of sanitizer in the afternoon in a way helping him.

Several incidents had been witnessed where the families faced a lot of issues while performing or taking their family member's dead body to the crematorium.

A similar incident was witnessed in Guler village, Dehra subdivision, Kangra district, a 50-year-old woman died of Corona.

There are several instances where villagers have been refused permission to bury deceased Covid positive patients in nearby cremation grounds.



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