War against corrupt in bureaucracy gets fresh legs: PMO

Update: 2019-11-12 02:13 IST

New Delhi: In the ongoing war against corruption and weeding out the corrupt from within the bureaucracy, the Prime Minister's Office has launched a fresh crackdown. All Central government departments have now been asked to provide a list of expendable and corrupt officers every few months so that the entire system is flushed clean. Despite exemplary punishment having been meted out including immediate termination, the threshold levels are still being breached by many in the bureaucracy.


Despite promising clean governance, the PM and his office have observed that complaints continue to pile up. Moreover, it has been found that officers against whom previously filed complaints continue to rise are able to seamlessly move up the ranks in parallel. This is most curious given that levels of inspection have been strengthened. As many as 1,007 officers with dubious disciplinary records are being scrutinised.

Zero tolerance against corruption has been the norm over the last five years but yet, corruption on the ground refuses to go away. So, a new tack has been devised, abnormal property or other asset transactions which are not commensurate with incomes or are blatantly disproportionate will be red-flagged for expeditious disposal.

The PMO note categorically asserts: "On a review of the matter recently at the PMO, it was decided that a quick uploading of the current information and regular periodic updating of the same by all stakeholder departments has to be ensured." 



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