Satkosia Sanctuary, a paradise of immense scenic charm

Update: 2022-03-25 00:33 IST

Satkosia Sanctuary

Satkosia: The meandering gorge, with a chain of low-lying hills and thick forests on both sides of the river Mahanadi, has the appearance of a place in heaven, where time stands still. But do not be fooled by the calm waters, because there is danger lurking in the form of ferocious crocodiles and strong underwater currents, which can be fatal at times.


Satkosia, a sanctuary that is also a gorge, derives its name from words Sat (seven) and Kosh (fourteen miles) which is approximately 22 km. This is the length of the gorge there in Mahanadi, with a total area of 795 sq/km. The sanctuary is spread over four districts at the spot (Angul, Cuttack, Nayagarh and Boudh) and is adjoined by the Bisipalli sanctuary, another delightful place for wildlife enthusiasts. Satkosia is best approached by road from Angul and Boudh, and is 160 km from Bhubaneswar.

The forests of Satkosia are truly enchanting. Its magnificent species such as Sal, Simul, Rosewood, Arjun and several species of bamboo form a green canopy providing a hospitable habitat to elephants, tigers, leopards, spotted and barking deers, langurs, porcupines, pangolins, wild dogs, hyena and boars.

With as many as 11 tigers and 19 leopards, there is a strong reason to declaring Satkosia a tiger reserve .The gorge is home to the endangered long nose gharials, muggers and fresh water turts and many kinds of fish, reptile fauna, including king cobra, banded Krait. The area is famous for big pythons. The birds species found here are equally splendid, including both resident and migratory.

Goddess Binkai temple is on the bank of the Mahanadi. Scenic spots such as Lubrangi, Balipur and Baghmunda, besides strategically located watchtowers and salts licks help tourists spot the animals. Apart from providing a spectacular view of the Satkosia gorge, Tikarpada, the whole area, is famous for gharial research and conservation unit established in 1975, from where gharials have been bred and released into the wild.

No doubt, Satkosia is a paradise of immense scenic charm. It is one of the best ecosystem available in the country, representing a diverse floral and faunal extravaganza. For visitors and tourists, Satkosia sands resorts and the Mahanadi river cruise of Badmal of Nayagarh district are two beautiful places to stay. One can enjoy and explore the beauty of the gorge.



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