Melania Trump Made Yet Another Fashion Statement on Day-2 Wears Lotus flowers

Update: 2020-02-25 17:25 IST

Melania Trump cut a graceful figure in her white flowy spring top at husband Donald Trump's ceremonial welcome today at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. It is Day 2 of the visit to India by the US First Couple. And in what might seem like a coincidence of fashion (but we don't settle for it), Melania selected Carolina Herrera's crisp white cotton shirt dress, with embroidered Lotus flowers.


Keeping her soft diplomatic statements through fashion, Melania has chosen yet another Indian connection to play up on Day 2 after those check pants by Indian-American designer Rachel Roy and the green sash with an India connect.

Those embroidered flowers on Melania's dress were what attracted our attention: it is the lotus. On the shirt dress, the lotus motif is a tribute and hark-back to the Venezuelan origins of Herrera, a country where the lotus is quite famous. It is hardly a surprise then that on the second day of her visit to India, the FLOTUS chose to wear a dress with lotus on it, in pink, saffron and blue.

The lotus is the national flower of India. It is the Bharatiya Janata Party symbol, too. Did Melania give her embroidered shirt dress a nod to BJP lotus? Or was it just a tribute to the national Indian flora? Well, the lotus on her dress in all three colors tells us that it's probably both.

The Carolina Herrera dress is for GBP 1,241 (that is Rs 1,15,265),

Melania's dress has been cinched with a red belt at the waist, coordinated with the red tie of her husband. She rounded off the look with a pair of white heels, the same as yesterday when she landed in India.

The fashion police in India and abroad have been scrutinizing Melania's India-visit wardrobe to the T. The First Lady's first look in India yesterday was a white jumpsuit with a green and gold sash that had a connecting India. The green sash was made of metallic yarn, silk, and gold. The vintage piece was apparently cut in an early century Indian textile document, which Melania's designer Herve Pierre found in Paris through collectors.

Her sash did not go down well with the Fashion Police yesterday. While some compared her look to that of a 'karate outfit', others said she should have let go of the belt.

And today we've got Melania in a flowy white spring coat, suited and holding to the temperature of 25 degrees in Delhi. Melania's dress choice today is also perfect for a day-to-night transition: add a handbag and a pair of heels (which she already has). Melania kept to her jumpsuit for the whole day yesterday, from Ahmedabad to Agra and then Delhi.

Given the amount of walking Melania needs to do around Rashtrapati Bhavan today, her high heels might feel a bit out of place, but then she loves her stilettos and wears them good.

That lotus on FLOTUS, though, will probably ensure a nod of appreciation from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.



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