BJP's Outreach Efforts To Kshatriya Community: Mixed Results And Community Discontent

Update: 2024-05-15 17:45 IST
The BJP has stepped up efforts to court the Kshatriya community, with Home Minister Amit Shah engaging in discussions with community leaders. However, the outcomes of these efforts have been mixed.

Following discussions with Dhananjay Singh, a prominent figure in Jaunpur, he publicly declared his support for the BJP at a gathering on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Raghuraj Pratap Singh, also known as Raja Bhaiya, from the esteemed Kunda estate, distanced himself from the party, despite attempts by BJP members, including visits from party candidate Vijay Sonkar and Muzaffarnagar MP Sanjeev Balyan.


Dhananjay Singh, who was recently sentenced to seven years in an old case after announcing his candidacy from Jaunpur, voiced his backing for the BJP during a public event, stating, "After consulting my supporters, it's clear that we should support the BJP given the current circumstances."

Conversely, Raja Bhaiya appeared uninterested in meeting Sanjeev Balyan, who faces strong opposition from the local Kshatriya community in Muzaffarnagar due to allegations of casteism. Despite a meeting, Raja Bhaiya released a statement asserting his neutrality in the upcoming elections, stating that he is not endorsing any party; voters should choose freely.

The Kshatriya community's discontent with the BJP has grown in various regions, fueled by controversial remarks from Minister Parshottam Rupala and the denial of a ticket to General (retd) VK Singh from Ghaziabad. Key grievances include the low representation of community candidates, the Agniveer scheme, denial of EWS relaxation, and historical distortion.

In the last four phases of the election, several seats have witnessed significant opposition from the community, including traditionally 'safe' seats like Gautam Buddh Nagar and Ghaziabad, with many mahapanchayats held against the party.

Community leaders argue that efforts to appease certain leaders will have minimal impact on the ground as none of the community's demands have been addressed so far. Rakesh Singh Raghuvanshi, President of the Shri Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena, Uttar Pradesh, emphasized that the BJP's failure to address issues such as EWS scheme relaxation and historical distortion undermines the effectiveness of their outreach efforts.



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