Vijayawada: Gunadala Mary Matha festival concludes

Update: 2021-02-11 23:33 IST

Vijayawada Catholic Diocese Bishop Thelagathoti Joseph Raja Rao addressing the devotees

Vijayawada: The three-day annual Gunadala Mary Matha festival ended on Thursday. Thousands of devotees visited the Gunadala church and offered prayers.

The Vijayawada Catholic diocese Bishop Thelagathoti Joseph Rajarao delivering the sermon on the last day said that human beings must learn many lessons from the coronaviruspandemic.

He said that more than 10 crore people around the world were infected with coronavirusand 23.58 lakh people lost their lives due to the infection. He said 1.71 crore people in India infected and 1.50 lakh victims of Covid-19lost their lives.


He stressed on the need for the transformation of people with the lessons learnt from coronavirus. The devotees visited the shrine wearing masks and the organisers arranged sanitisers for the convenience of devotees at the Gunadala shrine.

Attendance to the Gunadala shrine decreased this year due to coronavirusand panchayat elections compared to the previous year. Srikakulam Metrasanam Bishop Rayarala Vijay Kumar, MonseignoreMuvvala Prasad, Vicor general M Gabriel, Gunadala Mary Matha shrine Rector Eleti William Jaya Raju and others participated in the concluding ceremony. Holy mass prayers were organised on the last day of the festivities.

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