Vijayawada: Film director Narayana Murthy demands withdrawal of 'black farm laws'

Update: 2021-07-28 00:51 IST

Film director and producer R Narayana Murthy

Vijayawada: Film director and producer R Narayana Murthy has said his film 'Raitanna' was made to highlight the black laws framed by the Union government against the farming community. He demanded that the Union government should immediately withdraw the black laws and protect the interest of farmers.

Narayana Murthy was felicitated by the Farmers JAC leaders in a hotel on Tuesday for making a movie 'Raitanna', which was made to highlight the anti-farmers laws framed by the Central government and farmers struggle to defend their rights and interests.


Former minister and farmer leader Vadde Sobhanadreeswara Rao, CPM State secretary P Madhu, leaders of various farmers associations, the civil society associations participated in the programme. Later, addressing the media Narayana Murthy lashed out at the Central government alleging that the Union government made draconian laws against the interest of the farmers of the country. He said the Central government was unmoved in spite of the protests by farmers for many months in the capital Delhi.



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