Vijayawada: Democracy is not just polls, but adhering to statute

Update: 2023-10-01 10:00 IST

Vijayawada: Retired Andhra Pradesh High Court judge and the president of the Citizens for Democracy Justice G Bhavani Prasad said economic inequalities continue in the country in spite of increasing wealth. He said the objectives of the first generation leaders and freedom fighters of the state and country were not fulfilled due to the failures in the administrative system.


Justice Bhavani Prasad addressed the media at the Press Club here on Saturday. He is the president of the Citizens for Democracy, a newly-formed civil society organisation. “Democracy does not mean only elections but a system functioning based on the Constitution. Citizens for Democracy has been formed with an objective of creating awareness among the people on the democracy, voting rights and to raise the voice of the people,” he explained.

Former State Election Commissioner Nimmagadda Ramesh Kumar said preparation of accurate voters list is key for the democracy. Deletion of names of voters from the list is not an easy task, he said adding that Election Commission framed strict rules and regulations for it. He said the officials working under the purview of Election Commission have to work cautiously and carefully because the EC will take stern action for the negligence or dereliction of duties.

Ramesh Kumar reminded that the EC had taken action against a ZP CEO for negligence of duty. He said the Citizens for Democracy will work with objective of creating awareness on preparation of voters list and correct functioning of democracy. It will work with other associations and that strive for the strengthening democracy and uphold the values of democracy. He felt the Election Commission officials have to follow humanitarian approach with the migrant workers because they migrate from one area to another in search of livelihood.

Referring to deletion of voters, he said the officials have to confirm the reasons for the deletion of names from the voter list and must follow the EC procedures. Citing his personal experience of moving the High Court for the enrolment of his name in the voter list, he said he had shown the proofs to the staff who visited his home during the door to door verification work.

He said there were very less remarks and complaints when teachers used to prepare the voters list. “It is not correct to use village volunteers for the verification or other election related duties. When I was SEC, I raised objections when an attempt was made to involve the village and ward secretariat staff in the voters related work,” he said.

Former chief secretary L V Subramanyam regretted that voting percentage is not increasing in the state and the country in spite of vigorous campaign launched through print and electronic media. He underlined the need to create awareness among the people on the importance of using the franchise and using the voting rights.

Subrahmanyam said people will get the fruits of democracy when all constitutional institutions work with accountability. Stressing the need for employees and officials to follow the rule book, he said if they violate rules due to the pressure exerted by political leaders, they would have to suffer.

Citizens for Democracy assistant secretary V Lakshman Reddy said the first meeting of the organisation will be held at 4 pm on October 1 at Siddhartha Auditorium and the retired Chief Election Commissioner VS Sampath will deliver the speech on the importance of free and fair elections for sustainability of democracy in the country.

Members of the organisation former DGP M V Krishna Rao, former mayor Jandhyala Sankar, personality development trainer and academician MC Das and others attended the

press meet.



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