Want to know how Covid affects your lungs?

Update: 2021-05-10 00:18 IST

Dr D Naresh Pulmonologist

Hyderabad: Cornavirus initially impacts the lungs and to boost the lungs, Covid positive patients should do breathing exercises, should take steam inhalation regularly ,wear mask and social distancing is a must, says Dr D Naresh Pulmonologist , Government General and Chest Hospital in an exclusive interview with The Hans India.

It is witnessed that many people who tested covid positive have reported problem with the respiratory track? Why it is so? How to handle breathlessness at home?


Covid is small minute form and easily spread by fomites and aerosols via respiratory system and damages the lungs. This is the reason why Covid initially impacts on respiratory track . To handle breathlessness, monitor oxygen levels two-three times a day. If oxygen levels drops below 95 per cent, it indicates mild to moderate pneumonia. After checking the levels and then take a six-minute walk and again the person should re-monitor the oxygen levels. If it drops more than 4 per cent than what it was before walking, then immediately consult a doctor.

What are the organs most affected by Covid 19. Many patients are effected with various lung related diseases like bronchitis and pneumonia. What should be done to strengthen the lungs?

Covid infects the almost every organ in the human body after entering into blood circulating system, mainly the lungs by the damaging the cells in the respiratory epithelium. Patients with co -morbidities or compromised lung functions are at a higher risk of contracting covid pneumonia and bronchitis . The covid positive patients who have problem with the respiratory track should do breathing exercises, inflating a balloon or air pillows is also recommended and try to be isolated, wear double or triple mask and try to maintain social distancing and follow breathing exercises, regular steam inhalation is also safe. Patients with chronic illness should get vaccinated against COVID,6 - 8 weeks after they recover.

Can the covid virus cause long term damage to the lungs even mild/moderate covid -19 patients ? What modification should be done to breathe better in this condition?

It is witnessed that Covid causes severe lung damage to ICU recovered patients but there are only few cases of mild/moderate symptom covid patients have reported severe fatigue of respiratory muscles and weakness. It can be managed with chest physiotherapy, yoga and breathing exercises.

Most of the people after post covid had complained about various health issues? What are causing these issues?

Post covid symptoms also called as long covid symptoms these are severe weakness, breathlessness, myalgia, heart stroke, Alzheimer's disease and Guillain barre syndrome. Mainly these symptoms are caused by severe damaged by covid infection by formation of micro clots formation in lungs , heart vessels and brain tissues. These clots formation will damage the lungs with scarring formation, clots in heart and cause heart stroke and causes the alzemers and GB syndrome. Sometime clots circulate into muscular skeletal system causes severe weakness

It is seen in few cases that get re-infected , why is it so, what are its causes, what are the preventive measures ?

Now new strains have come and these strains are escaping from human antibodies and causing re- infections, sometime covid antibodies disappear early in our body. This also could cause the re infection. If new strain is strong it will cause severe damage. Main protection that should be taken by a person who has recovered from covid is that he should wear mask, try to avoid mass gathering, try to include protein rich foods in diet and post covid patients should take multivitamins tablets as prescribed by their physician. Stay Home, Stay Safe, and Wear Masks please.



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