SBI donates vehicles, rooftop solar system to NGOs

Update: 2024-07-02 11:44 IST

Hyderabad: SBI Hyderabad Circle celebrated 69th State Bank Day across branches and offices in Telangana State with fervour and festivity. A special cultural evening was organised and the bank also honoured retired senior executives in recognition of their contributions. SBI LHO Hyderabad also celebrated Doctor’s Day by felicitating the bank’s doctors.


Chief general manager Rajesh Kumar administered the State Bank Day pledge – “Committing to make SBI the bank of first choice of everybody and make every interaction with customers & colleagues a pleasant and enjoyable experience leading to customer delight”. The CGM urged all employees to take personal responsibility for sustaining SBI’s position as a leader in financial services.

Rajesh Kumar exhorted the employees to focus on increasing the digital business operations and remain constantly updated with the appropriate security measures, including cyber security processes to ensure mitigation of various risks. He donated five vehicles amounting to around Rs 50 lakh to five NGOs – Sahrudaya Old Age Home, Heavens Home society, Vivekananda Seva Sangham, Satya Harishchandra Foundation and Cherish Foundation. Also, the bank donated 20 KW rooftop solar system to Vivekananda Seva Sangham for generation of solar power.

Rajesh Kumar appreciated our daily heroes – the doctors for their tireless efforts, selflessness & dedication and thanked them for their unwavering service to humanity in building up a healthy and happy society.



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