No respite from sewage, residents left helpless

Update: 2019-11-07 21:22 IST

Bolarum: Residents of Railway Employees Colony, Macha Bolarum are living in unhygienic condition. The colony lacks basic civic amenities.

Overflowing of sewage water is resulting in poor condition of the interior roads and improper disposal of waste is an issue that residents are grappling with. For the past five years, the residents are facing the problem.


"The entire colony has turned into a cesspool due to the overflow of sewage water. Apart from this even garbage is dumped in open lands due to that it has become a permanent breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Also, the garbage collector does not clean the trash regularly and they clean it only once a week. We have complained to the concerned authorities about these issues but no there is no difference," said Mahesh Gowlikar, Secretary of Railway Employees Colony.

"The sewer lines have become old and a moderate amount of rain is enough to leave the colony in a pool of dirty water. The water also flows into houses", said K R Das, resident of Railway Employees Colony. "Ironically, this is the first approved colony by Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA) but without any development.

Whenever we complain to the GHMC officials about this issue and after a few days they close the complaint stating that the work is completed It is a struggle to reside here due to the sewage and garbage.," said Ch Simhadri, a retired railway employee and the oldest resident of Railway Employees Colony.



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