Need to practise yoga daily, says Minister Srinivas Goud

Update: 2019-06-22 02:23 IST

Necklace Road: On the occasion of 5th International Yoga Day, Heartfulness Institute (, organized a Yoga event at People's Plaza, Necklace Road, from 6 am to 9 am.

In line with the UN theme for IDY 2019 of 'Climate Action', the event not only focused on yoga and meditation but also on creating awareness on sustainability. The event was inaugurated by Srinivas Goud, Minister of Sports and Youth Services. Addressing the participants, he said, "Yoga was born in our land, but was forgotten. The western countries have understood the power of yoga and they have adopted it.


With all research and scientific studies talking about the benefits of yoga, we are now seeing a resurgence in India. We think we are healthy so why do we need it, but yoga can make a huge difference if we practice it regularly. Prevention is better than cure and we are blessed with the tradition of yoga and we should use it to the maximum extent."

The programme started with 'OM' chanting and breathing exercises followed by Stretching exercises. Some Yoga asanas which were followed included Shooksma Vyayam (neck and hand rotation) in cohesion with breathing ensuring neck is relaxed. The participants were made to do standing asanas like Tadasana, Vriksasana, bending exercises like Padahastasana, Ardhachakrasana which are most beneficial for the nervous system.

Lateral bends like Trikonasana were also practiced and the benefits of the same where shared. Sitting postures like Vakrasana & Vajrasanan helped participants understand that they help in enhancing the working of the liver and helps in controlling diabetes. Prone and Supine postures Bhujangasana and Setubandhasana which helped in strengthening the shoulders and chest.

The participants thoroughly enjoyed the whole awareness and practice session. All asanas were guided in cohesion with the breath. The Yoga trainers guided the participants on correct way of doing it.

"The Climate Change is real and it's happening. Programs like International Yoga Day have also considered Climate Action as the theme which shows how serious this whole issue is," said Farida Tampal, State Director for World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Anil Kumar Venkat Epur, Past Chairman of CII (SR), said, "This year the theme of International Yoga Day is climate action. Climate Change is a global problem today.

The continuing advanced changes in climate across the world are posing threats to our environment and society. We as responsible human beings should put forward every possible effort to control such adverse climate changes. Today we are happy to associate with Heartfulness Institute for this mega wellness initiative. We feel that it is extremely important to have the concept of Yoga within us is that we can all make it a part of our daily life and benefit from it."



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