Indian diaspora on the edge over Citizenship Amendment Bill

Update: 2019-12-11 02:39 IST

Hyderabad: The Indian diaspora in Middle East has strongly objected to the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) passed in Lok Sabha on Monday midnight. Indians in Qatar, particularly from Hyderabad, are apprehensive and restless about the ongoing political developments in India, said the president of the NGO, Hyderabadis in Qatar, Syed Rafi.

Addressing media persons on Tuesday, Rafi said, "Scores of Indians, including Hyderabadis, have been living outside their homeland for a long time. The NRIs still have hope that the government will reconsider its decision on this bill."


Most Hyderabadis living in Qatar, or anywhere outside India, have been working hard to earn bread and butter for their families. Their contributions and remittances to India to their family as well as to the country's foreign exchange cannot be overlooked. They invest their money in India as they believe India is their home despite the geographical distance.

NRIs who are willing to get back home after retirement, or termination from their service are now worried about the present happenings in India, considering the legalities and safety of their well-beings. Citizenship Amendment Bill should not have been passed, with religion as a criterion. The government must look into reconsidering their decision on bringing this into law."

Syed Rafi added that a lot of developments were happening in Qatar ahead of the football world cup. This world cup would mark the beginning of a new era of Qatar, and also for the Indian diaspora. The NGO was assisting the Indian diaspora in their issues with sponsors, employment-related opportunities and learning about the developments.  



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