I did not fled, says Karate Kalyani

Update: 2022-05-17 16:15 IST

Karate Kalyani

Hyderabad: Tollywood character artist Karate Kalyani, who is accused of having illegally adopted a baby girl will appear before the Collector of Hyderabad, Child and Social Welfare officials along with the child's parents on Tuesday. Child Welfare Committee officers had collected all the details pertaining to the adopted child based on the press brief by the actress.


The CWC had initially visited the actor's home on Sunday to investigate the matter after they received a tip-off on the childline number 1098 about her having adopted a three-month-old baby girl illegally.

The CWC had again sent a notice to her on Tuesday to depose them with the child.

If the probe found that the child was adopted by the actress illegally, the actress has to face legal action based on the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015.

These allegations came on her after the actress allegedly assaulted a Youtuber last week. It may be noted that as per the law, a child adoption can only be done via Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) or SARA. Only after a rigorous background search is done by the authorities, the child from the government homes is handed over for adoption.



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