Hyderabad: Saplings planted at IITA to increase green cover on campus

Update: 2021-07-11 00:53 IST

MP Joginapally Santosh Kumar planting a sapling on the premises of IITA on Saturday

Hyderabad: The Integrated Intelligence Training Academy (IITA), one of the state Police wings in the State, set to be a cent per cent green zone soon. The IITA is one of the finest, advanced centres in the country, where police dogs from other States are brought for training in assisting police in tracing drugs, explosives, identifying missing people, searching crime scenes for evidence and security of the VIPs etc.


TRS leader and Rajya Sabha MP Joginapally Santosh Kumar accompanied by Chief Minister's Special Secretary Rajasekhar Reddy, Intelligence IG Prabhakar Rao and DIG Tafseer Iqbal took part in planting saplings on the premises of the academy here on Saturday.

During the interaction, the officials at IITA explained MP that special efforts were being made to improve greenery on the sprawling 80-acre campus. He was told that planting new saplings was a practice followed on the special days and the campus currently has more than 20,000 plants and trees. A few years back, when the academy faced severe shortage of water, three tankers were commissioned on daily basis for watering the gardens on the campus, but eventually rainwater harvesting helped the premises to increase groundwater table. There are currently two big rainwater harvesting facilities at IITA and the water thus collected is being used for improving the greenery.



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