Hyderabad: Public shocked as Jalpally bridge road blocked

Update: 2021-01-14 00:52 IST

Public shocked as Jalpally bridge road blocked

Jalpally: In a suspicious move,officials have blocked the interconnecting road from Jalpally Kaman to Desi Dhaba by placing boulders on both the ends of the bridge making the stretch completely non-transportable for vehicles except two wheelers.

However, according to officials the road was closed keeping in view of the past incidents that claimed lives of people who ventured into the lake. "As the lake water remains deep at the bridge side, commuters passing through the fragile and bumpy road of the bridge might fall into the lake accidentlyeven with just a slightest imbalance," informed an official.


Recalling the incident that happened two months ago wherein two youngsters accidently drowned at the site after venturing into the water unmindful of its depth, the official explained, "Incessant rains and the subsequent floods in the month of October last year made the Jalpally Lake and its subsidiaries completely cramped causing flood unabatedly leading to upsurge of water level at many locations.Water level at Jalpally bridge side rises 10 to 12 feet high making this part of the lake a complete vulnerable point of incidents. Though the bridge carries fencing to some extent but it is not at all adequately protected to fend off people from venturing into the water body."

It is unclear how long this narrow and unmetalled road will be kept closed.Officials are of the view that unless the water level subsides, it is not appropriate and safer to open the bridge for the traffic moment.On the other hand, the locals are skeptical over the officials move to close the road as the stretch was quite open ever since the last four months and even after an incident two months ago wherein two people drowned in the lake. Some people, on the condition of anonymity said, the road also leads to an exceptional level of encroachments and illegal ventures around the water body that may bring the officials and the squatter role on the fore.



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