Hyderabad: Construction material on roads pose grave threat

Update: 2021-09-24 00:58 IST

Construction material on roads pose grave threat

Rajendranagar: Even though incidents of skidding of vehicles taking place frequently due to presence of construction material on roads, especially in the GHMC Rajendranagar area, the civic body officials appear least bothered about the cases. They even refrain from taking deterrent action against the errant construction companies responsible for transporting the material precariously.


What could be better example than the Shastripuram Colony itself, in the area, where the three-km-long main approach road from Baba Kanta (weigh bridge) to Wadam Gadda Railway Halt, has five-six construction companies from where the material is supplied to different locations in lorries. Besides, there are two weigh bridges on either side of the road where heavy lorries move in and out with load.

During the last one year, there were several incidents of passengers suddenly falling of their vehicles, particularly at Palace Hotel point. Residents of Shastripuram, Kings Colony, Owaisi Hills and Rasheed Colony, besides other areas, are regular users of the road that links the sub-road to the National Highway-44 (Bangalore Highway).

Frequent incidents on the stretch, largely due to existing construction companies and vehicles transporting raw material, have gone unnoticed for long as the GHMC takes no cognisance of these cases, while victims suffer in silence.

When contacted, GHMC sanitary supervisor, Rajendranagar, Gopi, initially said "the matter actually comes under the purview of the Town Planning officials. But when reminded about similar incidents and action being taken by the GHMC staff in other areas, he assured to take appropriate measures and wanted photos shared to identify the location where the issue lies.

Interestingly, as the road leads to a house of the Hyderabad MP, the GHMC and sanitary staff are often seen marching over the stretch without paying attention to the construction companies and lorries scattering material on the road.

Cherry on the top is that most sanitary staff are often seen unwinding in a hotel on the stretch where construction material is scattered every few meters.

Recently the GHMC officials woke up from slumber when a family member of a leading Telugu film star suffered injuries in a road accident, bringing the issue of precarious transportation of construction material to the fore.

The officials, to save their skin, started slapping penalties on the construction companies for spilling material on roads. However, the GHMC officials here are still playing the role of mute spectators to such issues putting live of commuters in jeopardy.

Syed Shoukay Ali, a senior citizen and who resides in the colony, said, "Only after bringing the matter to their notice with a warning to take the issue to higher level, the GHMC staff swung into action and removed the scattered material from the road. They refrained from taking any action against or imposed penalties on the errant companies. To our dismay, we have such apathetic GHMC officials here in Rajendranagar."



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