Hyderabad: Cold and cough cases spike in city

Update: 2023-12-11 06:48 IST

Hyderabad: With the rise in the cold and cough cases in the city, the health experts have warned people to understand proper use of over the counter remedies for fever and cough.

There has been a rise in the number of patients particularly in children during the last one week thanks to the fluctuating temperatures. The temperatures were down during the last week because of the impact of the Cyclone Michaung in neighbouring Andhra Pradesh leading to an increase in the cold and cough cases. The doctors however have cautioned the parents to be cautious while taking medicine and wanted them to consult a doctor instead of over-the-counter remedies.


According to the doctors, every time we observe a change in the season, the count of allergens in the environment also spikes, up to nearly 200 viruses in the air, besides other pathogens. These are mostly responsible for getting people under the weather. Several diseases tend to affect children during the winter months due to various factors such as colder temperatures, increased indoor activities, and closer proximity in shared spaces. The shift in temperatures provides an apt condition for different groups of viruses to flourish, which then spread contagious diseases.

A senior physician Dr Ramesh said that the most common of the viruses is human rhinovirus (HRV), which causes up to 40 per cent of all colds. They flourish in cooler weather, such as in spring and winter. The Influenza virus causes flu that divides and spreads mostly when the air is cold and dry, like in winters. Inadequate nutrition, leading to weakened immune systems, can make children more susceptible to infections, he opined.

Senior consultant Paediatrician and Paediatricintensivist of Ankura Hospital for Women and Children Dr AnjulDayal said that winter ushers in a host of challenges for children's health, but with strategic medication and attentive care, parents can fortify their little ones against seasonal ailments. However, with some minor precautions and lifestyle changes, it is possible for them to dodge seasonal sickness.

Dr Dayal said that vaccinations were the first line of defence. Parents should ensure the child is up-to-date on flu and pneumonia shots to shield against prevalent winter illnesses. A balanced diet rich in fruits, veggies, and whole grains supports a robust immune system. Equally vital is adequate sleep to recharge those tiny batteries.

“When illness strikes, follow prescribed medications diligently. Understand the proper use of over-the-counter remedies for fevers, coughs, and congestion,” said Dr Dayal. As a precautionary measure, he advised parents to minimise exposure to sick individuals and prioritize regular paediatric check-ups to monitor child's health. Winter wellness for children is about a holistic approach to medication, care, and preventive measures working hand-in-hand to ensure a season of good health, he said.



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