Hyderabad Biotech Startup Develops Stem-Cell Based Treatment For Covid-19

Update: 2021-05-04 15:30 IST

Hyderabad Biotech Startup Develops Stem-Cell Based Treatment For Covid-19

A biotech startup, incubated at the ASPIRE technology business incubator (ASPIRE-TBI) at the University of Hyderabad (UoH), found a Covid-19 treatment based on the human umbilical cord (UC) tissue collected and clinically processed adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

Transcell Oncologics that uses cell-based products and solutions to treat cancer and other chronic diseases, has developed a patented cell-based platform technology, "HEMATO UC-MSC". It has anti-cytokine storm properties, anti-inflammatory attribute and remedial qualities for COVID-19 treatment.


In extreme cases of Covid-19, patients have high levels of immune system proteins called cytokines in their blood. With the overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the so-called "cytokine storm," the body begins to attack its own cells and tissues rather than simply fighting the virus, resulting in multi-organ failure and death.

The treatment significantly lowers cytokines, improving patient survival and recovery time. The research recommends that HEMATO UC-MSC be administered as "two intravenous infusions, at a dose of 100 million cells per infusion, given 72 hours apart to the Covid patients".

"The advantage of the therapy is this new way of curing covid patients in real-time is to SAVE them and NOT to treat the symptoms alone," said founder-CEO Subhadra Dravida in a statement.

"Also, if HEMATO UC-MSCs are administered as the first line of treatment followed by concomitant steps to alleviate the associated symptoms in a traditional way, can dodge Covid deaths."

Dravida said that many hospitals in Hyderabad and Telangana are already using this stem cell-based treatment to save Covid-19 patients. At the same time, hospitals in other cities are also getting set to start treatment.

It can be delivered across the nation within 48 hours and has been specially treated for storage in refrigerated conditions of 2-8 degrees Celsius to facilitate use by clinicians within 72 hours.



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