Hyderabad: BC boys' hostels in city turn hellholes

Update: 2022-10-28 00:07 IST

BC boys' hostels in city turn hellholes

Hyderabad: Around 40 BC boys' hostels in the city lack basic amenities like washrooms, drinking water facilities, frequent power cuts, bad quality of food.

According to students, almost all the BC hostels that includes BC Hostels at Bagh Amberpet, Troop Bazaar, Malkajgiri, Narayanguda and many more in the city are functioning in rented premises, the food that is been served to them is of very low quality and unhygienic. Rice is not properly cooked and curries are usually watery. Along with hostels, residential schools also do not supply pure drinking water, there is frequent power cut and almost all the rooms of hostels lack doors and windowpanes.


Suresh Rao (name changed) degree first year student, residing at BC hostel, Amberpet, said," There is frequent power cuts in our hostel and and we do not have proper drinking water supply. We many times complained to concerned officials regarding these issues but all fell in deaf ears."

"Substandard food is served at our hostel and the place where the food is been prepared is also not cleaned. Many representations were given to the concerned officials but no action has been taken up yet," said Prashanth, residing at BC hostel, Naryanguda.

"Apart from poor quality of food, our hostel lack proper accommodation. There are no proper beds, rooms are not cleaned properly and the washrooms are never sanitised," said Anil Roa, residing at BC hostel, Amberpet. 



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