Drug addiction among youth on the rise

Update: 2019-09-14 02:06 IST

Rajendranagar: Besides easy access to liquor, ganja (marijuana), some over the counter (OTC) drugs which are easily available at medical halls are increasing the incidence of solvent abuse among adolescent boys and teenagers to new high in areas of Hassan Nagar, Indra Nagar and Sulaiman Nagar under Rajendranagar constituency. Habitual teenagers under these areas are causing nuisance by resorting to scuffling and fighting under the influence of such contrabands.


This kind of situation in the densely populated areas especially in Hassan Nagar has already come under the scanner of police for various organised crimes. Hassan Nagar consists of three main areas i.e. Mahmood Nagar, Hasan Nagar and Indra Nagar while the neighbouring Sulaiman Nagar is also a largely populated area from where similar type of incidents are being reported for quite some time.

Many in the area affirm the prevalence solvent abuse, but they are not aware of the source from where the substance is being penetrating into the area. However, it is said the teenagers are largely using sleeping pills of low dose from 5 to 10mg to give themselves a high.

Groups of teenagers and young boys are often seen yelling and fighting in inebriated condition. They resort to instigate each other, abuse the onlookers, and yelling at under the influence of various type of contraband substance like marijuana, whitener inhalation and OTC drugs. Soon the petty altercations turn into brawls among the youth that often result into incidents of stabbing.

Recently, Rajendranagar police arrested few youths after a brawl in which one person was injured due to stabbing. It is said this incident happened when few teenagers resorted to fighting under the influence of some 'unknown addictive'.

"It is very unfortunate that these incidents are happening in our area. Parents should be very cautious and keep an eye over their children's indoor and outdoor activities, else their children could land them into legal trouble.," said Mohammed Jahangir, Area Sabha Member, Hassan Nagar.

"These youngsters are completely unaware of the ramifications of the use of these contraband solvents. Police and the anti drug trafficking wing should take appropriate action against the incidents of solvent abuse," said Mujahid Mohiuddin Khudri, President GKR Foundation.

Officials on other hand, held that they were regularly conducting inspections to check the misuse of the medicines. "In the last few months we have made joint inspections at Rajendranagar, Katedhan and Hassan Nagar also. Selling specific medicines especially sleeping pills without prescription slip is prohibited and will take action if someone is found violating the regulations.," Informed Laxmalla Raju, Drugs Inspector, (Rajendranagar), Drugs Control Administration.

Effects of white poison

• The pungent smell of whitener can not only erase print on paper, but also memory from the human brain

• The toluene and trychloroethane help to intoxicate and the addicts experience a kick for five to eight hours

• The hydrocarbons in the deadly solvents can infuse easily with the blood and affect the central nervous system

• Uncharacteristic behaviours such as mood swings and insomnia are some of the reported symptoms of solvent addiction

• It may result in kidney, liver and lung damage

• On non-availability of whiteners, the addicts victims will move on to other intoxicant substances like mosquito repellents, thinners, nail polish removers etc



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