AC bus shelters in poor condition

Update: 2019-07-18 03:28 IST

KPHB: The AC bus shelters in KPHB are in a very poor state. Dripping AC, missing doors and irregular cleaning are just damaging the image of the shelter. Speaking to the Hans India here on Wednesday a local resident shared, "Out of five shelters, two shelters are without lights.

So people have no other option but to wait outside the shelter. Out of the installed 10 AC units, two are not in working order and the rest are not serviced along with it. Out of 10 doors, two doors are missing and nobody has any idea where it went.

The AC has been dripping in one shelter for the past three weeks and still, no one has addressed the issue to fix it. The shelter is never cleaned sometimes I see drunkards sleeping in some shelters. I request the officials to look into this problem and come up with a permanent solution."



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