A dialogue on superheroes

Update: 2019-04-27 01:34 IST
A dialogue on superheroes

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) will be organising 'Super breakfast for Superheroes and other stories' at Phoenix Arena, Hi-tec City on May 4.

Prof Arnab Bhattacharya Superheroes have captured our imaginations since the first time they appeared in a comic strip, and superhero films are amazingly popular (not just with young kids)! If we assume, they need to obey the laws of science we can do some fun calculations! Spiderman can of course spin a web, any size, but do that what would he need to eat? If you want to be faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound... oh well, let's work it out! And in the International Year of the Periodic Table, the story won't be complete without Metamorphose, The Element Man, who can transmute his body to any of a wide variety of elements at will.


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) is one of the premier centres of scientific research in India that works at the very cutting edge of world science, bringing visibility and international recognition to scientific efforts in India. To facilitate a greater role in world science and technology, TIFR has started an ambitious new campus in Hyderabad, the capital of the newest member in the family of Indian states, Telangana.

Where: Phoenix Arena

When: May 4

Time: 5.30 pm



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