Village shines with Hindu-Muslim harmony

Update: 2022-04-09 01:58 IST

Yadagir: Amid growing communal divide being orchestrated by some Hindu right-wing groups, villagers of Yaragola in Yadagiri district have set an example for communal harmony.

Unheeding to the daily calls for ban on Muslims from setting up shops at temples, forbidding Hindus from eating 'halal' meat and such other incidents that threaten to widen the gulf between two communities, the villagers have just celebrated Hajarat Jamaluddin Saheb annual fair together, a tradition that dates back to over 50 years. Though mainly an affair of Muslims, Hindus take leadership in organising the fair.


During the Gandha (sandal) procession from the village moulvi's

house to Jamaluddin Dargah, Hindu youths present traditional

'Kolata'. Hindus offer chicken and sheep to the Dargah and fulfil their religious vow. The celebration bears all similarities of any Hindu festival with people from both communities gaily participating in it.

Speaking to The Hans India, a villager called Mehaboob Saheb said that this tradition of celebrating the fair jointly by Hindus and Muslims has a history of more than five decades. Till today not a single communal clash has happened in the village, said Mehaboob proudly.

Echoing his sentiments, another villager, Ningareddy, said that though it is a Muslim festival Hindus like elder brothers take the lead in organising the fair. "We will continue the same in future. The Muslims also take active part in our festival celebrations," Ningareddy said.



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