Revenue department instructed to relieve employees deputed to other departments

Update: 2023-08-22 11:37 IST

Bengaluru: The revenue department has issued a circular stating that employees who are currently working in other districts on assignment should report back to their original parent unit.

The circular emphasizes that competent authorities should release these employees from duty. The government has noticed that many employees are continuing to work in districts where they have been posted even after the period of assignment or other duty is over, without the government's order. This has resulted in a hindrance to the public work in the original district. The circular warns that the government takes this matter seriously and it is against government regulations to continue working without the order of continuation. Therefore, competent authorities should immediately relieve these employees from the district and they should report to their original parent unit. Failure to comply with this directive will result in the immediate withholding of salary and other allowances, as well as appropriate action being taken against the employees.


In recent news, Minister Krishna Byre Gowda has taken steps to curb corruption in the revenue department. Disciplinary action has been taken against officials and staff who were accused of corruption based on a report. Previously, there were 67 disciplinary files pending in the department for the past 5 to 7 years without being investigated or settled. However, all of these files have now been disposed of. Out of the 67 cases, there were 30 cases against Tehsildars, 12 against village administrative officers, 14 against sub-registrar officers, 4 against Shirastedars, 1 against revenue Inspector, 2 against first division assistants, 1 against second division assistant, 1 against central stationary assistant, and 1 against district registrar. In 2 cases, officers/employees found guilty have been given compulsory retirement. In 18 cases, employees were acquitted as the charges against them were not proven, as recommended by the Lokayukta inquiry report.



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