Preterm baby weighing 700 grams recovers after 75 days in NICU

Update: 2022-01-15 00:12 IST

Dr Babu S Madarkar

Bengaluru: A specialist team from Rainbow Children's Hospital, Marathalli has recently ensured a preterm baby born in just 26 weeks and weighing at 700 grams was given complete treatment in the hospital till it attained the requisite age and now it's with its joyful parents.

This was a unique case. In fact, a precious baby born after many years of marriage and maternal uterine abnormality. The chances of subsequent pregnancy were very bleak. Dr Babu S Madarkar, renowned paediatrician at Rainbow Children's Hospital, said, "The baby girl was delivered at 26 weeks of pregnancy weighing only 700gms.


The baby's lungs were underdeveloped. Hence, we had to provide artificial breathing with a ventilator in addition to giving the baby special medicine into the lungs to expand them. Baby also had holes in the heart, which we managed medically.

Baby's intestines were also immature, due to which there was extremely high risk of rupture. Hence, the baby received all nutrition through an artificial line placed in the umbilicus directed towards the heart for almost two months following which actual feeds were initiated through the mouth. The blood vessels in such tiny babies are extremely fragile and result in brain bleeds. The baby was a real fighter as she had bleeding in the brain which was without any surgical intervention.

Throughout the long course of hospital stay, because of poor immunity as expected in such a small baby, she had bouts of infection in blood and brain, requiring antibiotics and specialised medicines like immunoglobulins. She also needed multiple blood transfusions. She was discharged after 75 days on full feed."

Dr Meghana Reddy,well-known gynaecologist and obstetrician, said, "The preterm labour occurs when regular contractions result in the opening of cervix after week 20 and before week 37 of pregnancy. The earlier premature birth happens, the greater the health risks for the baby.

Many premature babies need special care in the neonatal intensive care unit."

Increase in Preterm deliveries

City doctors say that there is a worrying trend of increasing preterm/premature babies. The causes of increase in preterm delivery include late marriages (of-late in current society priority is now given to long education and career stability before marriage), increasing work related stress, artificial modes of conception, other unknown causes.

Why do preterm deliveries happen?

Health conditions like diabetes, heart or kidney disease or high blood pressure records in mothers may lead to a premature delivery. Other maternal factors related to premature birth include poor nutrition, smoking & drinking during pregnancy, infections in the urinary tract and baby sacs, previous preterm

Preterm delivery at 26 weeks quite rare

Normal delivery usually occurs after nine months of stay in the mother's womb. Any baby delivered before this is called preterm delivery (less than 37 weeks) .It very rare to have babies delivered at extreme lower gestation age like 26 weeks and to survive.

What are the challenges in saving the baby which is born at 26 weeks?

At this age, most of the organs like the brain, heart, lung, and liver are not well developed to perform the dedicated functions of the body. Additionally, the babies will have poor immunity, low reserves of essential nutrients and minerals and are prone to infections.

How did the doctors counsel the parents that the baby will be alright?

"We communicated daily with parents on the day-to-day condition of the baby, along with detailed discussion of ongoing issues and how we are managing them. In addition to treating the baby, it was very important for us to keep parents motivated and maintain a positive outlook even when the baby was battling daily. Progress shown by the baby was inspiring and motivating for both the treating team and parents", Dr Madarkar added.

Do premature babies suffer in the long run?

They might not do well neurologically in the long run. A lot depends on how much care is taken to preserve and nurture the baby's brain immediately after birth and the 1st few months of life. With advances in neonatal care, we are able to take very good care of such small babies. In addition, we also start a very early stimulation programme for these babies, which again supports them to develop well.



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