Use clay idols for your prayer to reach God

Update: 2019-09-01 01:51 IST

Now, it is the time of Vinayaka Chavithi celebrations. Wherever we go either in the streets of district headquarters, or cities like Hyderabad, of course, even in other places like villages, we will witness many idols of Lord Vinayaka.

Thus, no place is exempted from the celebrations of Vinayaka Chavithi. And, it is sure to witness minimum two to three Vinayaka idols even in the distance of half a kilometre within the same vicinity.


Obviously, no need to think about the idols how there are made. 98 percent of the idols are made out of Plaster of Paris mixed with a variety of colours. It is known to all of us that Plaster of Paris is one of the pollutants and it can cause so much damage to the environment.

But despite knowing the fact that it causes damage to the lives of human beings and other living things, we use it excessively in the name of God. Here, we must pose some questions to ourselves, will God accept our prayers when only we pray to Him with a pomp and show that involves us in lakh and crore of rupees?

If people believe that God accepts the prayers; when the prayers are performed in this way; it is nothing but only their illusion, not anything else. People must understand that God is omnipotent and omniscient.

So, if they do 'pujas' with utmost attention, concentration and contemplation (manasa, vacha karmana), God will definitely bless them with all sorts of prosperities, health and wealth.

Hence, people must not waste money, and other natural resources like water and resources like electricity in the name of God at the expenses of other lives.

And, moreover, besides wasting money, electricity and water, the so-called devotees would also create many problems such as traffic jams, misuse of police services and other civil supplies. Can't we call it a barbaric attitude? Or, otherwise, will God like all these issues ...?

None is against the beliefs of devotees, and nobody does have any right to say 'No' to celebrating festivities, but when certain events are held, it is the responsibility of devotees that they must not cause any disturbance in the lives of others and also must not damage ecology by using so much unwanted materials. It is a civic sense.

Hence, the devotees must not go with the Vinayaka idols made with plaster of Paris, instead they would prefer to use and support eco-friendly idols made out of clay, papers and any other materials that do not cause any sort of damage to the environment.

And, they should also encourage others that everyone will have to prefer to erect the idols made other than Plaster of Paris and also create awareness among people that everyone has to plant seedlings on their premises to protect the environment.

If not, very soon human beings are going to face the music with polluted environment. Already, we have started living in the environment that has partly been adulterated and poisoned.

Hence, the devotees of Lord Vinayaka are supposed not to use idols made out of Plaster of Paris, but use only the idols that are framed out of harmless materials like papers, clay and other eco-friendly substances. Thus, the use of non-biodegradable substances is slowly rooted out of the practice.

This time many NGOs and GHMC have come forward with an innovative idea of clay Vinayaka idols and distributing them at free of cost to discourage people's using idols made of Plaster of Paris.

Thus, the efforts of the GHMC and some other social organisations are commendable. This is how we can discourage devotees using hazardous materials not only during festivals, but at any occasion. Thus, India can be made free from the use of dangerous materials.

Dr Venkat Avula, Hyderabad



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