TN Seshan, a great personality

Update: 2019-11-14 00:55 IST

It was sad to read about the demise of strong-willed former Chief Election Commissioner T N Seshan. He left this world and reached God's abode peacefully. Of course, everyone dies but how many deaths will be remembered by us? T N Seshan is remembered forever for the reforms he devised and implemented as CEC.

He brought name and fame to docile and powerless Election Commission during his tenure. For the first time, the people and contestants in elections realised the powerful role an EC can play in curbing routine ills that surrounded our electoral system. He himself rightly said that he is not Seshan, but an Alsatian (dog) in protecting the democracy.

A great personality, he richly contributed to the electoral reforms in India which his successors are bound to follow. It is unfortunate that he is not given deserved coverage by fourth estate. May his soul rest in peace.

-Rama Krishna M, Kakinada



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