Provide succour in summer to the harried citizens

Update: 2021-03-13 23:06 IST

Provide succour in summer to the harried citizens

It is time for the onset of summer and we are set to pass through crucial days when we especially need to experience hot summer days. During this summer, there is likely to be a great demand for cooling systems like air-conditioners, air-coolers, refrigerators, electric fans and alike to compensate against hot weather conditions. The public long for possessing electrical systems which help to provide coolness amidst the heat ambience that proves to be intolerable, inconvenient and uncomfortable in this peak summer. Hence, the public find no other alternative than preferring the choice of various cooling systems.


Keeping in view the high demand for electric accessories like air- coolers , ACs, refrigerators and fans, the government should consider slashing down the prices of these items , as availability at lower costs would no doubt fetch high demand and supply associated with them.

The government will be justified during the current budget session to consider a proposal of reducing GST by a heavy margin in the interests of the public to purchase the electrical items that are inevitably needed during the current season.

The public which is already axed by the recent hike in the prices of petrol, diesel, LPG and other petroleum products should be spared by the government at least in case of electrical appliances that are essentially required during the summer. As cooling systems are required in hot summer not only in the domestic sector but their use is also in great demand in places like hospitals, offices, shops and establishments, the Government should provide certain sops to the manufacturing units to import accessories and equipment needed in their manufacture.

Even as there would be phenomenal rise in temperatures during the summer , so also there would be problems galore to hit public interest that include hike in power tariff rates and unexpected power cuts which make the life of the common man most miserable. It would be of immense help for the common man if the government that is going to present 2021-22 budget in the Parliament by the end of the current month to consider the plight of citizens and take an appropriate decision to avoid taxing the latter with a slew of proposals that are likely to hit the public especially in this summer season.

In view of the elections in four States scheduled to take place in the mid of current summer season, it would not be out of context for the Central government to announce sops to the voters by controlling the price rise vis-a-vis reduced GST rates especially on certain goods and appliances that are sparingly used during the hot summer.

Further, to beat the scorching heat , it would be reasonable to cut down the prices of cold beverages like Beer and soft drinks and also spare the public from high prices of foot-wear and other protective gear.

— Bh Indu Sekhar, Hyderabad



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