Pandemic sets stage for new way of lifestyle, concepts

Update: 2020-05-29 00:46 IST
The effect of Covid-19 pandemic has been massive globally

The effect of Covid-19 pandemic has been massive globally. The global recession is impacting multitudinous sectors across the world. I have observed 10 key changes unfolding during the lockdown period.

First, the 'Social Interaction' among people is almost nil, moving with the slogan 'Social Distancing' as the coronavirus spread or transmission can be rapidly blown into humans due to interaction with other fellowmen. This major change will be continued for long.


Second, the change from traditional 'Business Models', will be drastically modified to the newer versions of creative business models in the future. Here are the 10 ways in which business models could change forever. The following are the mentioned changing business models, 1. Greater shift to gigital 2. Beginning to the End of Office Culture. 3 From Competition to Cooperation. 4. Elimination of pointless jobs. 5. Substantial reduce in business travels. 6. Boost to local sourcing. 7. Cost & Effective rations to take centrestage. 8. Effort to continuously engage with customer. 9. Bigger boost to Cloud Platform. 10. Flexible Business Models.

Third, the 'Internet Usage' during lockdown has been hitting the roof and the broadband service providers are making huge profits. The usage of the internet has turned out to be very high as the work style has been completely changed by replacing the traditional on-site working style with Work From Home model.

Fourth, the "Health Consciousness' is the one which has embedded in the minds of the citizens. The consciousness of consuming food under clean and neat circumstances to be healthy has been indeed observed sincerely. Fifth, we are eventually noticing 'Drop in Pollution levels' as the usage of vehicles, aviation, factories, manufacturing industries, production activities etc. have been drastically halted. It is also a positive factor for the environment. Sixth, the decrease in 'Expenses' is the one which absolutely beholds. The spending on outside food, luxury shopping, entertainment activities have sharply came down, which eventually reduced the expenses of almost every person.

Seventh, the intervention of digital online classes completely changed the dynamics in the 'Education Industry'. All the schools, colleges and every education institute have started running through digital platforms. It is a revolutionary change where everyone can learn, prepare, write exams through online as a medium ,which has never been witnessed till date.

Eighth, the 'Entertainment Industry' which comprises of multiplexes, movie theatres, pubs, bars, play zones etc. have been completely stopped and might take many more months to be opened.

Ninth, the concept of online food delivery has been largely affected as the "Food & Dining Industry' has been completely closed down. The restaurants, fancy food spots, luxury hotels are also major venues where the spread or transmission can take place unpredictably.

Tenth, the amount of time spent with the 'Family' on a daily basis has been heightened, strengthened intensively. It is one of the positive changes in our regular lives.

The pandemic created a new way of lifestyle in many ways with few positives and negatives inculcated in it. It has also changed the dynamics of few industries while few might take many years to recover. Covid-19 has also led-the-way to new concepts of workforce in this ecosystem. The following are the ones. Adaptation is the key, Survival of the quickest and Forced Entrepreneurship. We all can hope for a better nation and more positive output with innovative concepts.

T Bharath Bharadwaj Working in an IT firm in Hyderabad



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