MyVoice: Views of our readers 8th June 2021

Update: 2021-06-08 06:00 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 15th June 2021

Tenancy Act not friendly

The Model Tenancy Act notified by the government recently is likely to open up rental housing since the Act clearly defines roles and responsibilities of the landlord and the tenants and standardises the terms. This is expected to reduce disputes and induce landlords who hitherto were reluctant to come forward to rent out their properties. This also will open up demand for short term tenancy as security deposit is capped low at two months' rent. The Act also lists out who will carry out a work relating to the property reducing chances of disputes.


Nevertheless the Act is not friendly for small landlords as there is no long term commitment for the tenant as he can terminate the arrangement by giving a month's notice whereas similar option is not available for the landlord. Further the advance deposit is fixed at two months' rent (one month for non-residential) which is low considering the cost of the property. This should depend on location of property viz urban, rural, city etc. In the changing circumstances engaging Property Manager may beçome essential which will add up to the cost. The State governments, while adopting the new bill, may provide for çhanges in the provisions wherever necessary.

M Raghuraman, Mumbai

Bureaucratic politics

Apropos IYR's article on role of CS vis-a-vis PM and CM, the author had cleverly castigated his IAS colleagues as those having Left leanings or those who are beneficiaries of earlier regimes. He feels that they are upright and meritorious, they are not objective in their analysis on many subjects like Central Vista project, Lakshadweep administration etc. Their objective is to oppose anything under the Sun bearing Modi stamp. He affirms his association with BJP and because of that whether we should consider his views objective.

For IAS cadre, Centre is like birthplace while the state where they make their career is luke her husband's home or rather her own. sometimes, though she knows her husband to be wrong, she sails along with him. She may respect her parents, but her loyalties lie with her husband where she had grown to be her own. The position of CS is highest in the state hierarchy and it is naturally bestowed on one who enjoys CM's trust, even though seniority is criteria. There are many instances when seniority is by passed in selection of CS.

Given the political situation, the loyalties are bound to be strong and one tends to be loyal to the boss who gave him that position, notwithstanding what the rule book says. you tend to stand by those who stood by you is a natural human tendency . The West Bengal CS had followed the same and duly protected by his boss. It is not fair to call CM Mamata as intransigent. she was only reacting to the treatment meted out to her by Modi Sarkar.

Not long ago, Modi heckled her calling ' Didi oh Didi'. Her injury was ridiculed. Soon after when she formed the government , her ministers were arrested by CBI in a sudden spurt of activity in a old case. Yet, according to author she is expected to sit with folded hands . Of course, she said she is willing to touch the feet of Modi for development of the state. IYR as CS bore many insults with dignified silence . Others may be different. All said and done it is for people in bigger positions to show magnanimity and gravitas. If PM shows the way, others will follow.

Vinay Bhushan Bhagwaty, Hyderabad 



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