MyVoice: Views of our readers 29th January 2025
MyVoice: Views of our readers 24th March 2025

Disregard of right to life
India has the highest rates of snakebite deaths in the world. Experts says that a lot more must be done to save human lives. Since right to life is constitutional right, apex court now asked centre to do need-ful to solve this vital problem. Action plan on war footing must be undertaken by centre and states so as to ensure availability of anti-Venom vaccine in rural areas also.
B. Veerakumaran Thampi, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram
New UGC guidelines disastrous
The entity of UGC is likely arbitrary and it is losing hope of people. The new guidelines infringe on the rights of many states, indirectly impose centre’s powers on Universities to paralyse its educational standards, increase political influence and may lead to decline of Universities. UGC guidelines damages Universities’ reputation and increase the political influence of the centre. Subsequently Changes may take place in Ph.D admissions excluding SET examinations and then higher education could remain only a dream for poor people. Therefore the new guidelines have to be squashed.
Rajesh Indigene, Hyderabad
JPC nod to Waqf Bill is not the end
The manner in which the JPC on Waqf Bill adopted the amendments proposed by the ruling NDA members and rejected those proposed by the opposition members smacks of foul play if not coercion, as alleged by other opposition leaders. The NDA is desperately trying to push the Waqf Bill at the earli-est as it wants to get the proposed amendments adopted in order to save more lands belonging to Hindus go under Waqf, because the earlier Waqf Act was considered draconian by the NDA as there was no recourse to courts where Waqf laid claim on any particular piece of land. The passing of amendments to the Waqf Bill by the JPC is not the end. The Bill should be adopted in the parliament, after due discussions, in both houses, for the President to sign. With the entire opposition parties ve-hemently opposing the amendments proposed by the ruling NDA, it would be next to impossible for the Bill’s smooth passage.
Govardhana Myneedu, Vijayawada
Wild fires or greed fires?
In the US state of California, from January 1 to date, there have been 241 incidents of wildfires, burning 40,000 acres of land. These fires are spreading at a rate of 30 acres per minute. Such incidents occur every year, leading to the depletion of forests. However, the exploitation of nature by people driven by greed and profit continues unabated. On one hand, we talk about protecting and conserving the environment, but on the other hand, incidents like these, fueled by human greed, are causing permanent damage to the environment.
Dr Jitesh Mori, Kutch,-Gujarat
Nature is all powerful
Timely article by Vanam Jwala Narasimha Rao equating the Los Angeles catastrophic fire accident to the wild fire in Mahabharatam “LA fires akin to ‘Khandava Dahana’ (Hans 28-01-25). LA fire is accidental while Khandava Dahana is intentional. Arjuna was requested by Agnideva to burn the forest as mounds of ghee was poured by Rishis during performance of yagnas in this area. LA fire left many a dead and incurred lakhs of crores of rupees loss. LA is the land filled with Hollywood artistes. A terrific fight was witnessed between two natural Panchabhuta elements Agni and Varuna. Agni flared up to new heights and could not be controlled despite spraying of water by Fire Department, but finally the inferno was extinguished after Varun pours torrential water in the form of rain from the sky. Advancement of science and technology cannot rise to the level of powerful nature which is embedded with Panchabhutas.
N Ramalakshmi, Secunderabad
Lack method to address fiscal crisis
The Niti Aayog Fiscal Health Index reveals huge variations in budgets across states, with Odisha leading and Punjab trailing. Given rising debt-to-GDP ratios, in particular in states such as Punjab and West Bengal, what a specific steps should be implemented to make sure for a long time fiscal health? How can states strike a deal between the need for social assistance and the desire for fiscal fusion? A thorough method is required to solve these crucial issues.
Anshu Bharti, Begusarai, Bihar