MyVoice: Views of our readers 23rd June 2024

Update: 2024-06-23 10:06 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 2nd July 2024

Abuse, revenge replace humility, politeness in public life

V Ramu Sarma in the write-up - "Jan Nayaks - a thing of the past in Indian democracy"- has truly elucidated that today's political leaders are corrupt and selfish and enter politics only to amass wealth than serving the people with humility. However, in a representative parliamentary democracy like ours, transparency, rule of law and accountability must prevail at all times but sadly every party infested by tainted, criminals and inferiors with bloated egos.


As a result, the political system already in a deep mess is further deteriorating and crumbling with leaders like Jagan Mohan Reddy caring two hoots for the criticism leveled against him for splurging public money running to hundreds of crores by building a palace like guest house in Rushikonda near Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh even where there is no need for such opulence.

Another classic example that comes to the mind is Arvind Kejriwal spending 50 crores plus from the exchequer to build an extravagant residence for use of chief minister in Delhi even when there was no need. From all accounts, their actions when crores of people living in footpaths are struggling hard to get two square meals a day is not only condemnable but also amounts to belittling democracy.

Further, lack of giving more importance to public perceptions by political parties, political parties are resorting to lies and deceit to achieve their objective, as a result, political environment has hit the rock-bottom. In the past era, leaders were large-hearted, sympathetic to people's demands, their personal life-style reflected simplicity and honesty to the core and discharge of functions were exemplary.

Comparatively, in the present day, caste coming as a handy tool to play vote-bank and appeasement politics by self-serving leaders, it has only led to steadily deteriorating standards in political life due to disrespect shown to some men and women besides anger, abuse and revenge anathema to democracy replacing humility and politeness.

By and large, Plato's remarks that "Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men" aptly applies to the present day politics where the political decay represents a core malaise with the result debate on critical and pressing issues of governance is drowned in rhetoric of personification.

As power is not the monopoly of one group or party, political parties and leaders must remember that to protect democratic values, it is necessary people as a watchdog should ensure that corrupt and tainted politicians should be shown the door, to put an end to corruption, muscle and money power and as well stop virulent attack by some members on their adversaries.

It is only then, parliament supposed to be the nation's crucible for the highest form of debate, highest standard of decorum and the highest level of earnestness practiced to the hilt in the bygone era and shown the way can be restored to save democracy.

- K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad

No selfless politician is seen today

Ramu Sarma aptly, neatly and timely spelt his realistic opinion. This week's talk "Jan Nayaks - a thing of the past in Indian democracy" (July 22) is a true one beyond doubt. It looks wonder to learn that Andhra Pradesh previous Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy built a Chateau like kings' seraglio at Rushikonda with a whopping expenditure collected from taxpayers. It is further stunning that this royal castle lowers down the status of imperial palaces like White House and Saddam Hussein's alcazar.

We cannot rule out such royals holding power in a poor nation like India do not know how earlier time government servants stood testimony on par with common people in maintaining living standards. Puchhalapalli Sundarayya, Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu, Vavilala Gopalakrishnayya, George Fernandes, Lal Bahadur Shastri and host of political figures attended people's houses on foot, cycles, rickshaws and own vehicles. They are not merely politicians but statesmen. Where is that selfless tribe now?

Past is past. Chandrababu Naidu, new CM of AP with vast experience and famed for his foresight has onerous responsibility to keep good administration on track, complete what are all back seated developmental activities, maintain cordial relations with his ministers and officials by keeping aside what blunders that Jagan government did, but set right them without playing the game of tit for taught with his opponents. Leave criminal and corrupt activities to law. Is this term of five years sufficient to achieve the set targets? A long way is head to see the light at the end of tunnel.

Dr NSR Murthy, Secunderabad 

Convert Rushikonda palace into hotel

The column by Ramu Sarma was apt. You have rightly brought to notice of common people that how politicians can resort to senseless and reckless spending of public money forgetting that they are the trustees of tax payer's money. The palace constructed in Rushi Konda has left the people in shock. Constructed with tax payers’ hard earned money, it has sparked significant public and political outcry and debate. The construction of sea facing palace has violated numerous regulations.

The YSRCP is still trying to mislead the people. They are shamelessly saying that it is a Government assest and can be used for the president and Prime Ministers visit to Vizag. All that was spent was the public money which was unnecessarily spent. Whether there was a need to spend crores on Curtains, Chandeliers, Commodes and Bathtubs for the project?

Jagan had constructed the palatial bungalow thinking that he would come back to power , so that he would stay there and operate his campaign office from there. Definitely Jagan Mohan Reddy should be punished for his wrong doings and misuse of office. The present government instead of demolishing the building, should convert it as hotels or function palace so that government can recover the public money.

Zakir Hussain, Kazipet

Politicians have replaced true leaders

Construction of the Hill Palace on Rishikonda Hills in Vishakapatnam in Andhra Pradesh represents the recklessness of modern-day politicians. The hills where once hermits and saints observed Tapas have been destroyed. Closer home, the iconic Papanasam cliff in Varkala collapsed. The beach below the cliff, a famous tourist destination is a revered site where Bali Tharpan is observed. The Varkala cliff is the casualty of unbridled and unscientific construction activities that took place right under the noses of so-called netas who ought to have red-flagged flagrant flouting of rules and law. Modern-day politicians, assisted by servile babus have substituted true Jan Nayaks of yesteryears. Absolute power has corrupted modern-day politicians absolutely. Politicians in governments are in fact servants of those whose votes facilitated their ascension to power.

Dr George Jacob, Kochi          

Parties should adhere to rules of democracy

Apropos, write up by V Ramu Sarma, selfless, and people friendly leaders are a rarity in the present society, and we can only recall those brave hearts and tall leaders who were part of our milieu; and no more in the present scenario of things – only to be reminisced. But, ‘Lokpriya Netas’ in our society are tucked away somewhere, far from the gaze of publicity and recognition; whose work continues to spread as a sweet and welcome aroma for the society, bereft of glamour, publicity and media glare, seldom identified.

There are any number of leaders who were propelled into public life with a sheer will to alter the ills of the rules of the land that are expertly exploited by the wily lawyer who become devil’s advocates to always live in a shell of lies, enriching themselves with fat fees that leaves people high and dry. It is then the wisdom arises that a compromise or mutual agreement might have been a better way before resorting to the services of the advocates, who are no better than vultures in search of dead animals to feed upon.

The recent incidents of overt greed, and desire to be in power were unmistakably enacted by Jaganmohan Reddy of YSRCP, Kejriwal of AAP and KCR of BRS. Perhaps these men did not know that their unsavoury acts would be camouflaged under the halo of popularity to escape the public scrutiny.

But, the ultimate and inevitable would happen nonetheless in unseating them to be a stark reminder that ‘adharma’ and misrule cannot carry them any further as the dead load of anti-social and anti-national designs on their part would weigh them down to a bone breaking thud of reality and stark realisation. Yet, sadly some of these do not seem to analyse the reason behind their downfall from the Wuthering heights.

The freebies, and arbitrary farm loan waiver at the cost of taxpayers is another cardinal sin by the Congress in TS and Karnataka. Blaming the EVMs' for unfavourable electoral results, and approaching foreign powers, and NGOs to destabilise the democratically elected government are disgusting practices. The political parties must learn to play by the rules of democracy in making the nation great and not vice versa.

K R Venkata Narasimhan, Madurai

Democracy triumphs in AP ‘Gourav Sabha’

It was jubilation among members of TDP, JS, BJP as Chandra Babu Naidu fulfilled his pledge taken in 2021 to enter AP legislature as Chief Minister only as he himself and family members subjected to highly objectionable and abusive language by YCP legislators with former CM Jaganmohan Reddy just laughing without any action against members for uncivilised behaviour of his party members.

But the day of oath taking ceremony by new legislators on 21/6 showed a high maturity with discipline, decorum as CM Naidu instructed his NDA members not to raise any voice, slogans, or abusive language while Jaganmohan Reddy entered the House and took oath as MLA and members followed their leaders advice and implemented the procedures of the house perfectly with dignity.

Unfortunately ,Jaganmohan Reddy did not reciprocate the honour, respect given to him by the members as after taking oath he left the house hurriedly without sitting in the house for the day’s session against the oath he had taken just few minutes ago. This is how Jaganmohan Reddy responded to dignity ,decorum and procedures of temple of democracy. Chandrababu Naidu deserves huge compliments for his behaviour towards former CM who harassed, humiliated, arrested and insulted his wife in the house.

Naidu won the appreciation of people, media, elders and intellectuals for not taking revenge in the legislature for his sufferings in the hands of Jaganmohan Reddy mercilessly. This should be spirit of politicians in democracy as win and loss are routine and natural in politics. Kourav Sabha of 2019 under the leadership of Jaganmohan Reddy of YCP converted into Gourav Sabha after five years with the huge mandate not giving any chance of official opposition status to YCP.

Jayaprakash Reddy, Nalgonda

Rainwater harvesting, a must

Rainwater harvesting must be taken up very seriously this monsoon season .The GHMC must direct all apartments and individual house owners to invest in roof top groundwater harvesting. Rainwater recharge pits should be built at the ground level so that Water percolates deep into the ground and gets recharged .This will improve our overall Water table and help us overcome water scarcity during Summers .

As regards roadside water harvesting ,the GHMC can use flood spreads over the sides of the paved roads on the highways and city outskirts .During heavy rainfall, this rain water is either directed to ponds and small reservoirs ,built on highways ,and from there the water can be used directly for the farmlands .These measures will help immensely in recharging groundwater levels and help in agriculture.

Parimala.G Tadas, Hyderabad 

TN should take swift action on illicit liquor mafia

It is always a genuine tendency of people to rely on something that bestows temporary relief from stress and subdues pain and discomfort. In due course of time inadvertently they become addicted to it. It might be due to off- the- wall intimacy with someone or something. However, both takes away the enduring passion and creativity of the person. Chain smoking, prevalent imbibing and drug addiction are some of the common examples for this.

On the one hand there are some people who are quite ambitious. They always crave to exploit the impuissance of the common people and often seek pleasure at the expenses of others. On the other, some people who want to get rid of the monotony of the action-packed life seek asylum on multiple drugs. The recent hooch tragedy in Tamil Nadu is the dreadful aftermath of the rising addiction.

47 people have lost life after consuming illicit liquor in the Kallakurichi district of Tamil Nadu. Scores of people are being treated in many hospitals. The miserable plight of the dependents of the diseased is beyond endurance.

The sight of the grieving parents who lost their children, women who lost their husbands and the children who lost their parents have been down in the dumps ever since the tragedy. People are quite bewildered to know why a country with more advanced technology and infrastructure is unable to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents. It is certainly due to the carefree attitude of the officials concerned of the department. A fair and square investigation should be held and the perpetrators should be endowed stringent punishment.

Prabhakaran Vallath, Vatakara, Kerala


It is very shocking to learn that 50 people were killed out 130 people who drank spurious liquor in the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday at Karunapuram in Kallakurchi of Tamil Nadu . Following which the opposition except the Congress is demanding resignation of the DMK government in the state led by M.K. Stalin. It is very unfortunate that the tragic incident took place just 500 mts away from the police station and it is a locality that provides accommodation to several officials . But all of the victims hail from poor economic background. Moreover it is alleged that Govinda Rajan alias Kannukutti who has nexus with ruling party leaders is bend the brewing of illicit liquor that laced with industrial chemical called methanol. The chemical is very harmful to human health as it damages liver, causes cancer and often leads to death soon after consuming it .

It has become a common in the country that illicit liquor claims several deaths year after year. It was to be remembered that the illicit liquor claimed 25 deaths in Tamil Nadu. Similarly, it caused several deaths in Gujarat. Maharashtra, Bihar etc. And also how the common people have access to industrial chemical methanol. They must also suggest measures not to repeat these type of incidents in future. Other wise poor people have to pay high price

Pratapa Reddy Yaramala Tiruvuru , AP


This has reference to the liquor scam in Tamil Nadu. Everyone knows that there are approved stable liquor manufacturing companies. Many employees are working in them. The products, the liquor by different names, is being sold from various shops who acquire license to do so. Of late right from medicines , eateries , various food products and liquor fakeness, duplication , expired validity etc are crippling the people.

Lots are illiterates . Let it be literates or illiterates, men or women , young or old once develop the hobby of repeated use of a product addiction makes them ignorance .Thus they fail to identify which is correct and which is not safe . As a result many expired un authorized products are being in use. The Governments at the Centre and the states have to decide on how to regulate unsafe products . As long as the decisions are delayed , the illnesses and deaths are imminent .

G Murali Mohan Rao, Secunderabad


This has reference to THI editorial "The highs and lows of illicit liquor" (22-06-2024). This kind of liquor tragedy is not new like train accidents, but it serves as a severe and serious warning for halting its reoccurrence. It is totally Govt's failure to contain preparation/manufacturing of illicit liquor which is cheaper and habitual drunkards cannot live without wetting their tongues unmindful of its spurious nature. Unfortunately innocent and precious lives are being lost leaving their family members in lurch. Complete prohibition cannot take place as it's sales fill the Govt coffers full. Mahatma Gandhi said let my country be filled with beggars, but there should not be drunkards amidst us. Are we followers of Father of the Nation except remembering and garlanding his photos and statues on his birthday, Independence and Republic days.

N Ramalakshmi, Secunderabad


Thousands of people die every year due to consumption of spurious liquor across all regions and under governments of all parties. While excessive drinking is a social problem, there are some duties like cleaning up drains which cannot be done unless in an intoxicated state. It is not uncommon to find many people feel that those who have died deserved it. The main reason for production and consumption of illicit and poisonous brew is the cost. The taxes levied by the state governments raise the prices of liquor to unaffordable high levels. As a result, the poorer class goes for the cheaper liquors with the faster kick.

The chances of people dying by consumption of spurious liquor is greater in those states where prohibition is the state policy. This is a law and order problem, and it is impossible to believe that the police is unaware of them. It would come as no surprise if some from the political class are involved because of the huge profits involved in the spurious liquor trade.

Anthony Henriques, Mumbai



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