MyVoice: Views of our readers 1st June 2020

Update: 2020-06-01 02:40 IST

Change the name of our country

Some time ago, there was a case in the Supreme Court about changing the name of our country to Bharat or Hindustan instead of India. A person made a petition that British ruled our country for 200 years when they were going from India, they named our country as India.

They left. We changed. But the name of India was not changed. Do you know what is the real meaning of Indians? In Oxford dictionary, page number 789, the word Indians means criminal people and slaves.


The petitioner said in his petition that we changed the names of so many villages and towns. So, why don't we change the name of our country?

I support to the petitioner. If the Supreme Court gives order to the Central government to change the name of the country, then there should also be a change in 1st article of our Constitution.

It should read, 'We, the people of Bharat...' instead of 'India'. This is how we have to show patriotism. This work can only be done by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Because, he did many adventurous things like banning Article 370, reconstructing the Lord Rama temple in Ayodhya etc. These kinds of works cannot be done by anyone else.

T V S Suchitra, Khammam

Don't burden teachers with extra jobs

Already the coronavirus has created an unusual stress among the people because such a lockdown was never experienced by the world in the recent past at least. Coved-19 has shocked the whole world and Prime Minister Modi, who is known for his surprise, competed with this virus to trouble the people by announcing an express lockdown.

Whether it is demonetisation or corona, Modi has the same style of taking despotic decision. He never cares for the common man but cares only the capitalists. Now the educational institutions are following his suit in troubling their employees.

Actually, students are not in a comfort zone as their exams are pending. They are more worried about exams and admission into new courses or writing competitive exams etc. And the teachers are under instruction that they have to see that students should not forget what was taught by revision.

Moreover, the teachers are busily engaged with online classes and some others are asked to do online courses and some others are 'inspired' to do social service during the corona pandemic. In addition to this, now teachers are asked to conduct webinars and subject quiz etc. Due to all these corona academic compulsions, teachers may undergo severe stress.

Already college and university teachers have engaged themselves with research related assignments. Now they are expected to do webinars. The regular seminars have already turn to be academic melas and tours.

No meaningful result has come out of the seminars and conferences. It is already known that the quality of research has gone down. Then what sort of seriousness is attached to these webinars?

Why this meaningless and mad rush to prove that they are working. Either working for the sake of working or "show-work' definitely results in waste. Mad rush without common sense and fruitless effort has become the norm of the twenty first century.

Research should be done with passion not with compulsion. Corona lockdown has already introduced much stress and administrators of education are enhancing it by adding fuel to the fire.

Thummapudi Bharathi, M R Palli, Tirupati



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