MyVoice: Views of our readers 19th May 2024

Update: 2024-05-19 07:15 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 4th October 2024

Fixation with India being a $5 trillion economy

Why this obsession with a five trillion economy? How does being the third largest economy help the common citizen? Besides a feeling of pride of having become the world third largest economy, there is nothing in it for the 140 crore Indians; most of them living in the worst possible manner.

An increase of per capita income would be a better measure of progress. Because the greater the number of people the greater will be the size of the economy. Sometimes it feels funny to hear the unemployed youth make a huge issue about it when they themselves are without a job and dependent on others to satisfy their needs. We need to consider other human indices to gauge the extent of our progress. Unfortunately on most of the indices, India is languishing somewhere at the bottom of the list. Southern states are much ahead than those from the north in


human indices as well as GDP. Instead of trying to raise their own living standards, these states of the north are stuck up with non-essentials like religion and culture and language!

– Anthony Henriques, Mumbai

Ref: Bold talk "States' role key in achieving $5 trillion economy for India" (May 18). The entire narration is very prodigious and axiomatic to achieve the set target of building a big economy subject to cutting short of prodigal expenditure such as freebies to the underserved.

States' full length support must be sought for by the Centre to run a financially healthy nation. At present, NDA and INDI bloc are anticipating poll results on their favour. Similarly, in Andhra Pradesh, what is more worrying is that lakhs of crores loans borrowed are attracting heavy interest that forces the government to sell state owned properties. Under this critical financial stringency, how can India rise to $5 trillion dollar economy in the time frame set for? Is it possible in the midst of different governments in centre and states?

In a federal system in the words of Montesquieu "It is a convention by which several parties agree to become members of larger on which they intend to establish". The United States of America is the example of such a type of federation. This is the process of integration with the Centre which ultimately the controller of economy. Under the prevailing circumstances, States are wielding their constitutional rights in undoing enterprises, dipping in debt that thwarts the economic growth. Aims and aspirations for realising the bright economy are in good spirits but the political ideologies are not matching between the States and the Centre. Surmounting hurdles of differences between central heads with states tails would only strengthen and improve the economy.

– N Ramalakshmi, Secunderabad

Kashmir conundrum, no solution in sight

India claims hold on Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) or Azad Kashmir, while Pakistan claims hold on Jammu & Kashmir or Indian Occupied Kashmir. Indian Parliament passed a resolution on February 22, 1994 stating that entire territories of Jammu & Kashmir, including POK and Ladakh have been, are and shall be an integral part of India.

The Home Minister Amit Shah stated in Lok Sabha on December 6, 2023 that “POK Hamara Hai” and 24 seats are reserved for POK in J&K Assembly. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on May 14, 2024 that POK is an inseparable part of the country that would eventually comeback to India.

The current unrest in POK and growing sentiment among its residents would support the statements of the above two ministers that POK could become part of India soon. POK activist, Amjad Ayub Mirza said POK should be allowed to reunite with mother India.

Tremendous development and growth in the Indian side of Kashmir is carried out by the Indian government by investing lakhs of crores of rupees in various sectors such as health, education, rail, road, aviation, petroleum and civic infrastructure to create “Viksit (J&K). This is one of the reasons, POK wants to merge with India.

The Kashmir issue has been going on for 75 years without any solution in sight. India and Pakistan fought three wars on Kashmir, in 1947-48, 1965 and 1999 (Kargil). Terrorism is proliferating in the region. Next war, if occurs, use of nuclear weapons cannot be ruled out. Both the countries are obsessed with Kashmir and keep on claiming Kashmir as theirs without taking into consideration what Kashmiris want which appears to be changing from time to time. Diplomatic efforts to find a solution have been futile. So, how long the question ‘Kashmir Kiska Hai’ remains unanswered?

DR O Prasada Rao, Hyderabad

Who is responsible for violence in AP state?

People observed the post-election anarchy and violence in Palnadu district of Andhra Pradesh, incidents of vandalism of EVMs in Macherla, and clashes between two political parties in Chandragiri near strong room area where the EVMs were stored. Looking at the incidents of terrible violence, Doubts are being expressed that the voting details, which were supposed to be secret, have been revealed in the polling centers themselves. Based on the voting information only, the attacks were started which lead to severe violence.

Despite the ban on carrying mobile phones into the polling booths, several videos and photos taken by the voters on their mobile phones have appeared on social media exhibiting whom they are voting for. Judging by this, surveillance has completely failed in many polling centers.

Also, it is clear that the polling agents appointed in the respective polling centers acted with complete negligence. The SIT should investigate keeping in mind that the polling agents are equally responsible for the incidents of violence in Andhra Pradesh.

– Sri Kumar Tumuluri, Hyderabad


With a close look at the places in AP where violent incidents took place, one may say with tongue in cheek that there are some historical and psychological reasons for the untoward events. In Palnadu, violence was perhaps triggered by the proverbial "Palnadu Paurusham". Again roughness and touchiness are in the DNA of the politicians in Tadipatri, and Tirupati where post poll-violent incidents warranted posting of police pickets and clamping of the 144 Section.

Who is responsible? We must agree with the experts who say that politicians and their criminal background are directly or indirectly responsible for poll-related violence. As I have lived in the Rayalaseema for 60 years since my birth, I have seen many politicians and their stooges sponsoring and overseeing the perpetration of atrocities and even brutal acts particularly during elections.

To end violence, the police took some drastic measures like binding and arresting local trouble makers and anti-social elements before elections. Kadapa SP late Umesh Chandra took many radical steps and successfully uprooted the culture of factionism and political murders.

We need such strong-willed officers and their imaginative ways of handling all situations to stem the rot of violence and rowdism during elections.

– M Somasekhar Prasad, Hyderabad

Netas must maintain dignity and decorum

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is sort of exceeding limits while addressing election rallies these days. His latest charge on Ram temple could be considered a baseless accusation against the Congress party and SP. The PM is playing the Hindutva card too often just as the Congress party and SP are trying to woo the minorities as part of their respective vote bank politics. In the process, both are forgetting the fact that they are vertically dividing the Indian society on religious basis which in the long run might prove to be detrimental to the unity and integrity of the nation. However, it is to be noted that the leaders of both Congress and SP are also at fault for uttering provocative remarks against Ram temple quite often. The matter was settled by the Apex Court of the country and if they had any reservations about the same, they should have come up with what they think is correct, instead of issuing controversial statements against the subject, only to woo the minorities.

The opposition parties criticise the ruling parties just for the sake of opposing whatever is done by the government. As such by way of countering their statements and views on Ram Temple, the leaders of BJP/NDA are also indulging in crass comments. The ruling party should exercise some restraint while criticising the opposition parties and only concentrate on what they have done to uplift the downtrodden and what would be done further to develop the nation. The Prime Minister should maintain a certain dignity and decorum associated with the position occupied by him and leave the criticism of the opposition parties to the second rung leadership, so as not to attract further attention on this score. Also there is no point in harping on this issue time and again making it an election issue. BJP/NDA should dispel apprehensions being sown by the opposition in the minds of minorities about the latter's security and safety in the country if the former (NDA) retains power at the Centre. Harping merely on HIndutva citing Ram Temple won't fetch votes for BJP/NDA all over the country because with its construction UP is benefitted not the entire nation.

– Govardhana Myneedu, Vijayawada


Everything you do or say is reflective of your personality. The terminology and tropes that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has used and still uses without the slightest compunction in his speeches, televised and listened to by millions including children in impressionable age, perhaps, without realising their full import and consequences for the body-politic, are reflective of his personality.

For winning an election, a leader who holds the exalted office of Prime Minister cannot stoop so low as to spew communal venom as Narendra Modi does. The kind of campaigning that Modi has conducted certainly goes to reinforce his image as a profoundly polarizing figure. It would seem that for the Election Commission ’foul is fair’ to take any punitive or deterrent action and maintain the sanctity of the election process. It seems to be blissfully unaware that the Model Code of Conduct prohibits invoking religion to seek votes! Perhaps Hindutva, BJP’s USP, needs the kind of ‘hate speeches’ that the Prime Minister makes to prevent its appeal from diminishing. At the same time, it is sensible to say that fraternity should be the guiding ideal when we, people of different faiths, live cheek by jowl. It is the antidote to the poison of religious hatred. As a nation, we must repudiate hatred and replace it with fraternity.

– G David Milton, Maruthancode, TN


Filthy language used by the Congress and BRS leaders, the campaign was indeed reprehensible though such a falsehood had attracted

48 hours of suspension for the leaders against campaigning. The attitude of some leaders is not taken seriously by the EC. The speech delivery by some leaders in Telangana contain words of abuse in a filthy language that needs a serious curtailment and deterrence by the EC. Campaigning tasks on social media are going on at a faster and larger scale with a high tone and tenor.

The objective of campaigning is to place the modalities of the contestants in front of the people including criticism against other parties.Election campaigning does mostly evoke voters' judgement towards electing candidates of their choice and thus influences their decisions to a large extent. In the current day campaigning , parties and their leaders are crossing their limits thus endangering democracy and its values. It is high time that campaigning during the elections was regulated to safeguard democracy by defining its delimitations.

Bh Indu Sekhar, Hyderabad

Lessons from elections

This election has made it clear that the structure of the body that selects members of the Election Commission (EC) needs changes to make it more democratic. Two members from the ruling party and one from the opposition selected the persons who are found to be solely loyal to their masters and not to ethics or the law. The numbed reaction of the body over the complaints against the Prime Ministers' speech that are found to be blatantly violative of Model Code of Conduct confirms this allegation. Another lesson this election has placed before us is that the Central Agencies need not favour the ruling party and overreact by going all out in inactivating the personalities known as powerful opposition leaders and individuals. The Apex Court has exposed this in the case of Prabir Purkayastha.

Manifesto of a party should place before the people the programme the party intends to take up if given power and such programmes should be substantiated by their viability and not like bringing back the money stashed away in foreign banks to credit them in the peoples' account or providing 2 crore jobs a year, providing Rs 1 lakh per women per year, free travel for women etc. Parties should have understood by now that it is not such lavishly thrown false promises on which the voters make their choice. Peoples' turnout in the public meetings and in polling are not encouraging except in places where money has been deployed. The reason is primarily the absence of peoples' burning issues in the discourses of the leaders in the election campaigns. The election has also made everyone understand that there is no one to check the money power playing havoc in influencing the voters.

– A G Rajmohan, Anantapur

Indian Wordsworth’s Bond with nature

Ruskin Bond, the celebrated short-story writer who has won the hearts of the young and the old with the Irresistible magic of his short-fiction, steps into 90th year on May 19, having enriched the Indian-English literature with his amazing, enormous literary oeuvre for more than five decades. His birthday is the celebration of the eternal beauty of his marvellous literature to the legion of his ardent fans all over the country.

Though an Indo-Anglian by birth, Ruskin Bond, deeply rooted in India with his immense love of India, made India his home and lives in Mussoorie closer to the Himalayas. With love of the Himalayas in his blood, he depicted the Indian landscape with its rich flora and fauna in his short stories populated with Indian characters in his simple, inimitable, distinctive and captivating style. Padmasri, Padma Bhushan and Sahitya Akademi award and many other awards crowned this literary genius. Hailed as the Indian Wordsworth in prose for his love of nature, Ruskin Bond delineates myriad beauties of nature in his short stories.

Ruskin Bond published a book titled "The Book of Nature" which explores the natural world of trees, flowers,rain, the winged ones, tigers and nature's fury, unfurling marvellous beauties of nature and the disasters from the too-much exploited, wrathful nature. "The trees sum up nature's perfection which can be seen in every leaf, flower, seed, and creatures, great and small. We do not stop learning from the natural world. The Earth, the seas, the heavens have so much to tell us. Nature's notebook is never closed," this is how the Indian Wordsworth enlightens his readers in his book on nature. "Earthquakes, tidal waves, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, all come to remind us that we are not, after all, the masters of the universe," Ruskin Bond cautions us, emphasizing the truth that forces of nature are greater than man's.

What Ruskin Bond observes,, experiences and feels around him is fictionalised so skilfully and vividly in his stories with the reader feels like listening to the author's authentic voice through his narrative and ultimately finds himself connected with the author and shares so happily all his experiences. On his 90th birthday," I wish Ruskin Bond many more happy, healthy, vigorous and creative years with his prolific pen streaming a sea of very delightful short stories."

– Dr Venugopala Rao Kaki, Kakinada


In the age of e-books and podcasts, a majority of his ardent readers don't give a miss to any of the new edition of stories. Dedicating 50 years of his career in narrating books, stories, poems, novels, essays as well as autobiographical work, Bond has always ensured perennial contribution to the growth of literature for generations along. The way he keeps updating his readers on social media platforms is also quite appreciable. We all are the aficionados of his poems, novels and stories, who are part of our academic curriculum during our school days.

Bond is undoubtedly, a celebrated author for our generation. The highest literature honour of Sahitya Akademi turns more privileged after it is conferred to him. Wishing more power to his pen and his exotic thoughts, and prayers for his good health and long life. We want more imaginative stuff from him to read and cherish. He is an inspiration for all to surround thoughts and imagination in the lap of nature. Since 1972 with his first release 'Angry River' to the recently released edition titled 'How to be Happy' in May 2024, his books continue to delight us with his imaginative, magical wisdom. His books are the source of fun and zeal for every reader, young or old.

– Kirti Wadhawan, Kanpur

Heinous attack on woman MP by AAP functionary

Swathi Maliwal, an AAP MP, had alleged that while she was waiting in Delhi Chief Minister Kejriwal's house, Bibhav Kumar, Kejriwal's PA, burst into the room and started verbally abusing her. She accused Kumar of slapping her seven-eight times on the face and hitting her chest, stomach, and sensitive parts, while she was menstruating and in considerable pain, begging him to leave her alone. It is a shame on the part of Kejariwal for not handing over the accused to the police soon after the incident. Now an FIR has been lodged. NCW has also taken up the case and is inquiring. It is a clear case of molestation. If this is the plight of a sitting MP in the hands of the political class, the less said the better about plight of an ordinary women. The case should be fast-tracked and severe punishment meted out to the accused so as to be a deterrent for others.

- Sravana Ramachandran, Chennai



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