MyVoice: Views of our readers 19th April 2021

Update: 2021-04-19 06:00 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 21st May 2021

The politics of Covid turns uglier

As second wave of covid-19 spread rapidly across the country has gone out of control due to laxity on the part of both Centre and state governments, opposition accusing the Centre of criminal negligence for ignoring the warnings of second wave and not ramping up health infrastructure cannot be brushed under the carpet but at the same time, the fault also lies in opposition for remaining a mute spectator and not effective to force upon the government to act upon aggressively to make available critical items necessary to meet the emergency.


Why opposition who joined together to raise farmers' issue and other matters and even staged protests day in and day out all of a sudden become proactive now to point fingers at Centre when its own government in several states have faltered badly? In fact, it is sad that none of the political parties at any point of time raised about cancellation of poll rallies knowing well that Covid is playing havoc with the lives of people and now accusing prime minister at the fag end when polling is due to come to an end on 3oth of this month. of what use, if Congress holds inner-party meeting to discuss the worsening situation and slamming the Centre but doing nothing in Maharashtra where its coalition government has washed off its hands off by shifting the entire blame on the Centre.

The Gandhi family pointing fingers at prime minister even when the situation is grim due to various factors is easy but they must realise the futility of playing politics on every issue is not going to take them anywhere at a time when cases are rising alarmingly and deaths are climbing up. The fact that inoculating 130 crore people is a herculean task within a reasonable period with experts still not sure when the Covid will be defeated, therefore, mere criticism is not enough. Rather it is prime duty that all political parties must act responsibly by coordinating with local administration to lessen the burden of people suffering from the pandemic.

Similarly society need to be proactive to the concerns of people by lending a helping hand to the needy. All the same, it is all the more important that placing strict curbs on potent super spreaders besides masking, testing and ramping up critical care facilities is the dire need which need to taken up on priority so that it would go a long way in vaccinating more people at a faster pace essential to instil confidence to fight the pandemic effectively.

K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad

Daily COVID-19 cases are growing day after day in an alarming manner but pitiably last year's same story of shortage of medical facilities in respect of beds, oxygen and mortuary is being experienced across the country. Further, vaccine shortage could not be contained. That shows our governments lack of concern for the welfare of people. Nevertheless various elections are

conducted pan India punctually. It is a shame leaders consider their opponents as enemies rather than the deadly virus. No wonder virus is riding on mankind successfully as we are divided.

Kshirasagara Balaji Rao, Hyderabad

Remembering Dr Kakarla

May Dr.Kakarla's soul rest in peace. He was brought from USA to lead and develop the Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences(NIMS) by the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, N.T.Rama Rao. Dr.Kakarla Subba Rao was a renowned radiologist and great academician. He developed the erstwhile Nizam's Orthopaedics Hospital to the stature of a full blown Multi-speciality Hospital (NIMS) on par with All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and NTR and he remained immortal in the annals of medical history with the laurels the NIMS got and the yeomen services rendered to the common man. The academic excellence was such that even Christian Medical College(CMC) Vellore students took up PG here and had a stint as faculty as they equaled its standards. Dr.Kakarla was humble to the core and when I'd been to meet him at NIMS and he stood up to greet and welcome me though I was far young then.

Dr T Ramadas, Visakhapatnam

A multi-faceted movie star

Vivekh has made his mark on Tamil cinema. A household name, Vivekh is also affectionately called Chinna Kalaivanar. He started with nothing but raw talent, determination and dedication. To say that he has made himself a servant of his art and excelled in his career as a comic actor is an understatement. In the crop of comedians Vivekh has stood out for conveying social messages through the comedy track he has established for himself in his own inimitable way. Vivekh comedy is a genre of its own.

The name Vivekh has become a byword for wit. His uproarious dialogues and punch-lines couched in common sense always set us thinking. He was a specialist in 'invoking laughter and inciting thought'. It is apt to extol Vivekh as a serious comedian in that he has held a mirror up to the society with all its faults and weaknesses. In his wonderfully spontaneous performances comedy has attained the status of satire. In other words, he had the innate skill to elevate comedy to the status of satire. Blending comedy with satire with effortless grace was his forte. His acting was underpinned by his reforming zeal. His manner of lampooning superstitious beliefs won him many fans.

Whether Vivekh has consciously seen his role as being a catalyst for change, he deserves praise for the cultural influences he has had on society. Vivekh was a man of wide interests outside cinema like conservation and music. The trees planted by him and at his initiative are a witness to the meaningful life he led. Vivekh has broadened our horizons and enriched our lives. We feel a deep sense of gratitude to him.

G David Milton, Maruthancode, Tamil Nadu



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