MyVoice: Views of our readers 26th September 2021

Update: 2021-09-26 00:48 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 26th September 2021

Super singer SPB will be missed forever

One year has rolled out into history since the melodious king SP Balasubrahmanyam left the music world for his final abode. His supple voice suited the tones of all kinds of Telugu actors which none could do. To his credit a whopping 40,000 plus cine songs of all genres were recorded. He always says he is infant (baludu) and a learner in his field. SPB is the only person to illustrate the variations between the past and present ethereal beauty of movie lyrics, composition of music, ragas, etc., in platforms like 'Paadutaa Teeyagaa' as he worked with all musicians, especially with unbeatable, preeminent and predecessor singer-composer Ghantasala.


Most of today's singers were groomed by him. However present generation singers, lyricists and musicians, might not be aware of many happenings and styles as SPB mastered. His healthy body suddenly fell victim to the vicious virus is not digestible. His feisty movie and private songs are eternal in the hearts of music lovers. His fans are still excited emotionally why he opted for hospital treatment for a mild corona infection.

N Ramalakshmi, Secunderabad

One year has lapsed since the most popular and admired voice of SPB and most lovingly addressed by legions of his fans as Balu passed away in to Gandharva lokam as he is otherwise remembered as Gandharva Gayaka. In his long illustrious singing career spanning over five decades, he left his strong imprint rendering 'Navarasas' in his free flowing voice. He wore successfully many hats as playback singer, television presenter and compere of many programmes (particularly ETV 's magnum opus 'Padutaa Teeyaga') ,music director , actor ,dubbing artist and film producer. He was a singing machine and he recorded more than 45000 songs in various languages and predominantly sang in Telugu ,Tamil and Kannada languages.

He was loved by all, he had the healthy habit of cracking jokes on himself and his huge figure .The principal reasons for the rise of SPB as singer is early exit of gifted singer 'Ghantasala' due to illness at the age of 53 years. Coupled with his continuous hard work in polishing his singing skills he adapted himself to the voices of then famous stars NTR and ANR which kept him on top pedestal .Though SPB has shed his mortal frame he lives forever in the memory of all song lovers and continue to inspire budding singers. His place in Telugu singing world is next only to Ghatasala.

Rama Krishna M, Kakinada


Congratulations to The Hans India team on the occasion of celebrating 10 years of responsible journalism and establishing a niche for credibility in the newspaper industry. As an ardent reader of The Hans India, I have noticed that the newspaper by its unbiased and fearless news coverage stands for the highest canons or ideals of self-restrained journalism. The various columns such as Womenia, sports, Hans Business, crossword etc. besides regional, state, national and world news cater to the diverse needs of different catagories of readers.

The edit page, in particular featuring editorials, special articles by experts and scholors besides letters from readers is useful to improve general knowledge of readers and help those preparing for competitive examinations, debates etc. The editorials sharing the views of the paper on current issues are interesting, thought evoking and at the same time debatable also. Hans India is a complete newspaper and serves as a people's voice in a vibrant democracy. Wish the newspaper will continue to play a useful role as an important member of the fourth estate.

Dr E R Subrahmanyam, Amalapuram

The 'dhoti' has a special slot 

I was deeply touched to read your wonderful and lucid editorial "A Forgotten Historic Moment" (23 Sep). In fact, I would like to thank Ram Raj and its owner and your paper for resurrecting the forgotten history of Gandhiji's connection not only with south India but also their attire "Dhoti" which has several names in various Indian languages. In fact it was Gandhiji without having organised the so called "fashion show" showcased "Dhoti" across the world.

While I don't know about others, I got to know about the brief history about Dhoti and Gandhiji's change over only after seeing the full page advertisement published by your newspaper. National leaders from North have little or no knowledge about freedom fighters from South and they remember them only when they come to seek votes in south India as an impression has been spread that only freedom fighters from North played an important role in our freedom struggle.

In fact the rulers and the head who has announced Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav had little or no role in the freedom struggle but are expert in using the names of leaders of those era to create a wedge among people of India most of whom including yours truly were born after we got Independence. Compliments to you again for wonderful editorial which should become a part of our English anthology prescribed for the university students in various parts of India.

N Nagarajan, Hyderabad

MCC move laudable

The decision taken by the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), the authority on cricket's laws, to remove the term "batsman" and replace it with the term "batter" is a significant move towards bringing gender neutrality in cricket. It will definitely help reinforce cricket's status as an inclusive game for all. In fact, the change was considered but ultimately rejected in 2017. The word "batter" aligns with the terms such as "bowler" and "fielder".

True, several gendered terms like "maiden over", "night watchman" and "third man" are used in the game but none of them are officially sanctioned. The world is changing and people are aware of the importance of equality of men and women. Games are for all and so is cricket. Gender discrimination must never mar games, especially cricket. A large number of women play cricket and many countries have women's cricket teams as well.

Further, the term "batter" is a natural evolution in cricketing language. A lot of people involved in the sport have already started using the term. The language used in cricket can develop right perceptions in people from an early age. However, there are many who think that the word "batter" is awkward on the tongue. It must be understood that the future of any sport is dependent on diversity of talent. More and more male and female fresh talented players will add to the charm and popularity of sports. Let there be more gender-neutral terms in sports like batter.

Venu G S, Kollam

The continuing battle of China and Taiwan

China has become overly meddlesome with Taiwan these days and to corroborate the nosy neighbour's interference in Taiwan's affairs, Beijing said on Thursday that it opposed Taiwan joining a major trans-Pacific trade deal just days after Beijing said it wanted to become a member of the same agreement. It may be noted that in 2018 11 Asia-Pacific countries signed a pact for the region's biggest free-trade 'Compressive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership'(CPTPP), which hugely accounts for around 13.5 percent of the global economy.

It may be recalled that Taiwan has lobbied for years to join and announced on Thursday it had officially applied. But China swung into action and claimed that Taipei should not be allowed to join.

People of Taiwan don't like to be governed by the authoritarian regime from Beijing. Though China offers Taiwan freedom as it enjoys now, it wants to take control of its external affairs, a la model Hong Kong rule. But people of Taiwan have seen the true colour of the dragon over there in Hong Kong and they never want to surrender Taiwan to China. As regards the people of Taiwan, they love freedom like Americans and this love for freedom alone makes them livewire, go-getters and pragmatic. Its economic miracle is amazing. Rapid industrialisation and economic growth during the latter half of the twentieth century truly made it a nation to be highly reckoned with.

So, considering Taiwanese advancement in many technological spheres, it is quite natural for China to keep its interest alive in Taiwan.

China somehow wants to take complete control of Taiwan at its earliest. But how can the democratic and freedom-loving people of Taiwan accept an authoritarian regime? Thus, ceding Taiwan to China by the people of Taiwan is just like a pie in the sky, and if it is ceded, it will be like a hara-kiri for them.

T K Nandanan, Kochi

Shootout at the court is very shocking

When India faces terror attacks from all sides is a cause of big worry, gang rivalry raising its ugly head in a district court complex in Delhi on Friday afternoon after a brazen shoot-out by two assailants dressed in lawyer's robe ginning down the most wanted gangster Gogi inside the courtroom not only shook the conscience of the nation but sends strong message that a lot of rethinking is required to be done to improve safety in all court complex to prevent such dastardly attacks.

As the two assailants of the rival gang were also instantaneously killed after police returned fire, still it is purported there is an element of doubt in the whole operation until a probe brings out the facts. However, not undermining the task carried out by police personnel in bringing the situation under control, at the same time, it clearly points at the occurrence of a major security lapse on account of ham-handed approach by law-enforcing agency causing fear and immeasurable harm to other litigants, advocates and others present in the court room and in the complex.

Even as the chief justice expressed deep concern at the happenings in the district court complex and stressed safety and security of court complexes and persons present is paramount, it is imperative that a multi-dimensional approach is desired so that police follow the procedures to ensure foolproof safety in court complexes. Also, as investigation is ordered to unravel the operations of the two notorious gangs, police must act judiciously instead of blindly returning fire which killed the two assailants important to get to the bottom of the case.

K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad



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